Chapter 118 - The King of Storms & Chapter 119 - Companion

Start from the beginning

Roran let out a sigh of relief. This was the cool calculating Nul they remembered. This was someone they could rely on. Nul was finally back.

"After Akanos drove you mad, Kell went to fight Inkala."

"She doesn't stand a chance against him."

"I think that's the point. Nul, I think Kell is planning on dying here. For all we know, she's already dead. Come on, we need to get moving."

Groaning in pain, Nul forced themself into a sitting position.

"Can you heal yourself?" Roran asked.

Nul shook their head. "My etchings are dead. All of them. I'm completely useless here."

"We'll manage somehow. Do you have more godspells?"

Nul nodded. "I keep a collection on me. None of them will be enough to stand against Inkala."

"It's fine," Roran lied. "We'll figure it out as we go. For now, we have to get to Kell before it's too late."

Roran helped Nul to their feet. Nul wobbled for a moment before their legs gave out and they were forced to cling onto Roran like a child.

"Sorry," they mumbled. "I've been relying on my godspell for...well, everything. I don't know how much I have left in me."

"It's fine. Let's get to Kell first then we can regroup."

Roran pulled Nul's arm over his shoulder and half carried them through the street. With the help of his own godspell, Nul weighed nothing at all. Nul shuddered next to him, whether from the pain or cold, Roran couldn't tell. The etchings on Nul's skin were still there, but they were cold and dark, lifeless. Nul was an ordinary person now.

Limping through the streets, the pair headed towards the harbor and towards the sound of conflict. The crack of thunder echoed between the buildings, along with the crash of buildings toppling. As they neared, they heard something else among the chaos, the sound of Kell screaming.

Stopping behind a sturdy building, Roran said, "I'll leave you here, I need to go help Kell."

"No, I need to see this. I need to see the beast."

Unable to argue, Roran dragged Nul through the street and to the harbor. The docks had been completely destroyed. All of the buildings and watchtowers were reduced to smoldering rubble. Standing in the center of the chaos was Inkala, the largest beast Roran had ever seen. It stood three stories tall and lightning crackled around it. The clouds above swirled in a lazy circle, with the beast serving as their center.

Underneath the beast's massive paw was Kell, pinned and struggling. She was trying to push the paw off her but having no luck. Kell was battered and bruised, with blood leaking out of her mouth and down her face. Still, her face was locked in a snarl, refusing to give up, refusing to surrender.

Stooping down, the beast opened its massive jaws and bent down to attack the helpless Kell.


Roran was too far away to do anything. He watched helplessly as the beast brought its muzzle towards Kell. She struggled against its massive weight, trying to push it off. Inkala opened his jaws, lulled his tongue forward, and licked Kell's face.

"Damn you!" she snarled, still struggling to free herself from the beast's grasp. "Fight me!"

"I did," said Inkala, his voice reverberating throughout the city like thunder. "I won."

Confused, Roran jogged forward, his hands on his blades. Behind him, the winged warrior dissolved into a mass of shadows and reformed, becoming a half decayed hound with black fur and standing as tall as Roran.

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