Chapter 38 - Ascension

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Roran and Zan trekked along the stone pathway until they reached a tunnel. Guards stood on either side along with an officer wearing several badges and pins.

"Fancy seeing you here!" said Zan, grinning from ear to ear. "Just the two of us."

Zan pulled a pair of letters out of his backpack and handed them over to the officer. While the officer read through the visas, one of the guards nodded to Zan.

"Hey kiddo, how's the old man?"

"Hey Ozlan, Pa is still limping around. How're the kids?"

"Good, good. Leonardo just turned four, already talking up a storm. I'll bring him down in the summer for the festival."

Zan and the guard continued making small talk until the officer interrupted them. "Zan, you're fine, I just need to ask your friend a few questions."


"That means you should go ahead, boy."

"Oh, okay. I'll see you in a little bit, Roran." Zan waved and headed into the tunnel, leaving Roran with the officer and the two guards. Roran kept a smile on his face but let his hand wander near his sword.

"Can you confirm your name?" asked the officer.

"Roran Aurandale."


"Mercenary in the employ of a Talyrian priestess."

"Last time I checked, neither Zan nor his father were a priestess. How did you end up with them? Be honest now if you don't want to get in trouble."

Roran rested his hand on the pommel of his sword, trying to look relaxed. He was still tense from the recent fight. He didn't want to kill any more people today but he would do what needed to be done to move forward. His friends were waiting for him.

"I got separated from my comrades and fell into the ravine. Zan and Vin saved me. As a favor, I'm protecting Zan while he makes his delivery."

"And where did you learn your craft?"

"From my father. He was a mercenary before I was born. Showed me how to look after myself when my mother died."

"I see, well everything looks in order. You're clear to continue on, just try not to kill anyone."

"I don't intend to," said Roran. "I've killed enough people for one day."

The guards laughed and the officer rolled his eyes. Their laughter died off when Roran didn't join them in the joke.

Clearing his throat, the officer asked, "What do you mean?"

"There are thieves on the road, you may want to increase your presence between here and the stairs."

With that, Roran moved past the guards. When nobody called out for him to stop, he increased his pace and hurried onward.

The tunnel was well lit with torches and the occasional lantern lit by fairy rock. Zan was waiting a little ways further in.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

Roran nodded. "They just want to know a little more about me. How deep does this tunnel go?"

"It goes pretty far into the mountain but don't worry, it's warm and there isn't any snow in here. We'll be at the elevators in no time!"

The tunnel itself was large, with plenty of space to walk and stretch out. Similar to the mines, there was a set of tracks running through the tunnel. As they moved deeper into the mountain, they came upon a line of large carts sitting on the rails. Each cart was full of precious ores and metals. Most of the materials had been processed down in the Crags but there were a few carts with raw gemstones in them. Zan led Roran past the line of the carts, cutting straight to the front of the line.

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