Chapter Thirty-Six

Start from the beginning

Elia nodded, "Indeed, he doesn't. But I never offered him a dragon, I only offered him an egg and that's what he'll get." She replied, a smirk curling on her lips.

Aemond returned her smirk with a breathy chuckle, "I like this side of you Princess" he said as he wrapped one arm around Elia's waist and pulled her against him before pressing his lips against hers.

Cannibal was well aware that the two weren't allowed to be spotted in such an intimate way together and so he used his wing to hide the two royals from being spotted by anyone. Elia glanced up at the black wing held around them, keeping them from anyone's line of sight and she chuckled, "Good boy Cannibal." she praised in high Valyrian before breaking away from Aemond, "Just think, by tomorrow's evening, I'll be free from any stupid marriage" she said.

"Thank fuck, I almost fed your mother to my dragon for her stupidities." Aemond said, a slight scowl in his tone.

"Watch your tongue Aemond she may have made some dumb decisions, but she's still my mother." Elia replied rather defensively, she didn't appreciate people speaking ill of her mother, regardless of how the two weren't on speaking terms.

Aemond only rolled his eyes in reply before turning to another topic, "Come, my mother insists on seeing you before you return to Dragonstone." he said as he took Elia's hand in his and began leading her along with him back towards the castle.

"Will people not question this?" Elia asked as she glanced down at their intertwined fingers.

"Why? I'm simply being a gentleman." He said with a chuckle before speeding up his pace.

The two weaved throughout the castles long hallways, all the while they were busy in conversation about perhaps a trip for just the two of them once Theodore was dealt with.

"Where would you want to go?" Aemond asked.

Elia didn't answer immediately, she thought for a moment, there was many a places she wanted to see, and with the help of their dragons, such wishes were easy to accomplish. "I want to see Essos, Mother use to tell me stories of its people, the natives they call 'Horse Lords' or 'Dothraki' and the army with no fear, the 'Unsullied'. I would like to see them for myself." She said, looking at Aemond awaiting his reaction to what she had said, unsure if he would agree with her.

He hummed in thought for a minute before replying; "So Essos it is, I'm sure we'll be hailed as gods over there, I hear they know of dragons only from the words of others and the texts of books" he said with a chuckle.

"Once this situation is all done and over, we can find out for ourselves" Elia replied with a grin before turning the final corner with Aemond.

They arrived at Alicent's chambers and Aemond stepped forward and knocked on the door. A moment later, Alicent opened the doors, a smile appearing on her face as she saw her son and Elia.

"Princess, how lovely it is to see you, please, come in" The Queen insisted as she stepped aside so Elia and Aemond could go past her.

Elia and Aemond moved past Alicent and into her chambers, where the Queen had a small shiny box set on the end of her bed that had caught Elia's attention, she thought it unusually beautiful for a box.

"I should get going, I have training with Ser Cole" Aemond said before placing a soft kiss on Elia's cheek, the Princess gave him a soft smile as she allowed him to pull his hand away from hers and then disappear from the Queens chambers.

Alicent closed the door behind her son and then made her way over to Elia, "You two are a spectacular image, it's a shame your mother can't see it" she said.

Elia nodded, "Indeed it is, but I suppose it is my duty as the Princess to marry whom my parents betroth me too" she said, putting on a spectacular lie.

Alicent put her hand on Elia's, "You're truly admirable Princess." She said before moving over to her bed and picking up the pretty box. The Queen smiled at it for a moment before turning back to Elia, "Here, a gift from me" she said as she held the box out for the Princess.

Elia frowned as she took the box, "You didn't need to get me a gift your grace" she said.

Alicent smiled, "Nonsense, now open" she insisted enthusiastically as she awaited Elia.

The silver haired Princess slowly clicked open the beautiful box. Her eyes widened as she saw what lay inside; a gorgeous necklace. It had a silver chain, with a sapphire dangling on its end. "Your grace, this is to much, I cannot accept this" Elia said, surprised at the gorgeous gift in front of her.

Alicent stepped forward and put a hand on Elia's shoulder, "Please do, I had it specially crafted for you, and you'd me such an honour if you would wear it" she said, a sweet smile on her face.

Elia returned her smile and pulled Alicent into a soft hug, "Thank you my Queen, I shall wear it every single day" she said.

Alicent was taken by surprise at Elia's sudden embrace, but happily wrapped her arms around the girl. Alicent wouldn't realise it now, but the bond the two had created with one another would completely change how the future would turn out.

𝑬𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑵𝑨𝑳 𝑭𝑳𝑨𝑴𝑬 | Elia Velaryon x Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now