"No. I guessed. I kind of anticipated something like this to happen. It just happened sooner than I thought it would."

"What made you think like that?"

"You and Khun Peach were a famous CP after all. Being attacked for coming in between is normal."

"Fluke, I swear that there is nothing like that between me and Peach. We are just on-screen partners."

"I know phi. But facts don't matter when it comes to making rumors. Most of your fans are against you entering the bl industry. Ah. Whatever! Let's just leave it. Earth will manage everything along with the PR department. Let's enjoy the night sky." Fluke said leaning back on his arms.

Fluke glanced at the silent Ohm.

"You are meeting her tomorrow, right?"

Ohm nodded in response.

"Nervous? Don't worry she will not hurt you."

"All things that she had done till date have already hurt me, Fluke."

"She loves you, phi."

"Love? More like obsessed." Ohm scoffed.

"As long as you are tactful, you can easily manipulate her. Women can be stupid when they are in love. So, stop overthinking. Whatever is bound to happen, will happen. There is no use stressing over it."

Ohm didn't respond to Fluke.

"Lay down," Fluke said.

"Hmm?" Ohm's eyes went wide thinking that he heard wrong.

"Lay down. You look tired. How many days has it been since you last slept?"

Ohm obediently followed Fluke's order.

"I did sleep for a few hours."

"Few hours of sleep are not enough. You are going to exhaust yourself at this rate."

"I tried to sleep but I could. With all these thoughts going on in my head, getting a deep sleep is impossible."

Ohm's body stiffened when he felt Fluke's hands touching his hair.

"Your body is so stiff. Loosen up a bit. Relax. I will give you a head massage. It will help you sleep."

Fluke gently massaged Ohm's scalp while humming a lullaby.

Ohm drifted into a deep sleep even before he realized it.

Fluke pulled the blanket over Ohm, carefully tugging him in.

He looked at the sleeping man in front of him.

Ohm's handsome face had deep dark circles around his eyes.

"Thank you, P' Ohm. Thank you for everything." Fluke whispered before getting up and making his way to the adjacent mattress to sleep.

The next day Ohm woke up feeling refreshed.

He looked around searching for Fluke who was nowhere to be seen.

Stretching himself, Ohm got out of bed. A small smile hung on his lips as he remembered the sweet moments that he spent with Fluke last night.

Ohm went back to his room and freshened up before coming down to the dining area where everyone was having their breakfast.

"Someone looks like they had a good sleep." Boun teased as soon as he saw Ohm walk in.

"Oh P' Ohm you are here. Come. Come. Join us. Today Fluke is the one who did the cooking. Come have a taste." Sammy invited Ohm over-enthusiastically.

"Ah! I missed this taste." Prem groaned as he slurped the beef noodles.

"Eat slowly. You will choke yourself. No one is taking your food away." Boun said to Prem who was gobbling the food in front of him, only to get ignored.

Ohm sat down and took a bite of the sesame-encrusted chicken tendon.

The flavor exploded in his mouth.

As a good cook himself, Ohm could identify how good Fluke's cooking skills were.

"How is it?" Fluke asked as he took off the apron and sat down beside Ohm.

"It is delicious." Ohm praised as he took another huge bite.

"It is good that you liked it. Have more." Fluke moved more dishes towards Ohm.

"You are going to make him fat," Boun commented.

"It will not. P' Ohm has lost weight anyway." Fluke argued.

The rest of the breakfast went peacefully.

When The Spring Arrives (Ohmfluke)Where stories live. Discover now