Chi Shuo was the first to reach level 6 in the game. He appeared at the same time as Ye Shaoyang.

He pressed the "Attack" prompt in the game.

Ye Shaoyang didn't need to say anything. He directly flashed over and tied up Zhao Xinan with vines. Old Qin immediately followed up with a combo. Chi Shuo's Shadow Spear came forward and used a combo. In less than two seconds, Zhao Xinan was killed!

Zhao Xinan didn't even have time to escape.

At the bottom lane, after Xiao En arrived, he hid in the bushes for a few seconds and waited for his own jungler. The North Shepherd jungler was Level 6, so they launched a 4v2 attack at the bottom lane. However, before they could make a move, Cheng Xing flashed and ran away.

Qujiang was kicked back by the North jungler [Hero]. The four of them worked together to kill Qujiang.

The battle between the top and bottom lanes of both sides was only a few seconds apart. The audience burst into applause!

Yao Mu said, "The jungler's first gank. Tianheng chose to take the top lane, and North Shepherd took the bottom lane! Tianheng got the first blood and the top laner's head, and North Shepherd got the support's head! "

The top laner's head was obviously more valuable than the support's.

On the surface, it looked like Tianheng made a small profit.

However, North Shepherd also stopped their losses in time. While Xiao Xing returned home, they quickly killed the little dragon.

Tianheng followed closely and invaded the top half of North Shepherd's jungle to steal the red buff.

The rhythm of both sides was very fast. It could be seen that the commanders were very flexible.

It didn't matter if people died during the game. The important thing was to stop their losses in time and recover their economy from other places.

Brother Dong said, "Both sides are nitpicking the details. If we calculate it carefully, the overall economy of the first gank is not much different. Tianheng got the top laner's head and the bottom half of the jungle's economy, while North Shepherd got the support's head and the little dragon's economy. "

Yao Mu said, "Yes. Both sides' mid laners and archers are level 6. I'm looking forward to the next roaming! "

In most cases, the support would go to the bottom lane to continue protecting the archer after reviving.

However, the audience with God's perspective noticed that Qujiang didn't go to the bottom lane after reviving. Instead, he sneaked into the jungle and followed Chi Shuo to gain experience from killing a few minions.

Cheng Xing returned to the bottom lane for a 1v2. Because he had been squatting under the tower and refused to come out, Zhao Xinping was worried that the opposing jungler and support would come to support him, so he didn't rush in to kill him.

Ye Shaoyang and Xiao En continued to clear the minions in the middle lane. They depleted each other's health in the blink of an eye, until Qujiang suddenly appeared.

Xiao En didn't react to Qujiang's appearance at all because he flashed up!

It was the first time she saw a hero like [Forest Messenger] with a flash.

In most cases, she would bring [Healer] to increase the team's survival rate, or bring [Interference] to assist the archer in pushing the tower. You're a healer with [Flash]. Do you want to go to heaven?

It turned out that even if Qujiang played as a healer …

He was still a mid laner healer with a murderous heart!

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