Chi Shuo released two shadows to fight the blue buff. Ye Shaoyang crouched on the side and helped him to snipe the blue buff. Chi Shuo recalled the shadows and used [Retribution] to get rid of the blue buff. He rose to Level 2. Then, he swapped positions with the shadows that he had hidden in the bushes on the side. He brought the two shadows back to his own red buff jungler.

After killing the red buff, he swapped positions with the third shadow and continued to fight the mobs …

The audience only saw Chi Shuo moving quickly in the jungler area. The three shadows drifted back and forth like the wind.

Yao Mu looked at this scene in surprise. "[Lord of the Abyss]'s jungler speed is quite fast!"

Brother Dong analyzed, "Actually, the Level 1 [Lord of the Abyss]'s jungler speed is very slow. This [Magic Spike] only relies on skills to deal damage. The damage of normal attacks is negligible. The cooldown of the Q skill is 10 seconds. Even if the three shadows go back and forth, it will take a long time to get rid of the blue buff. In the previous wave, the key was that Lieyang sniped from the side and helped him to get rid of half of the blue buff's health. This allowed Shuoyue to rise to Level 2 in the shortest time possible. "

Yao Mu said, "That's right. Starting from Level 2, because of the Switch skill, [Lord of the Abyss]'s jungling efficiency will have a qualitative increase. While switching positions, you can also farm marks. The three shadows can switch positions back and forth, and you can also move quickly in the jungles, saving time on the road. "

Brother Dong concluded, "So, this hero jungler needs the help of his teammates. Try not to use him as a jungler in a solo match. You guys definitely don't have the same tacit understanding with your own mid laner as the Sun and Moon combo, right? "

The netizens were speechless.

Comparing tacit understanding with the Sun and Moon combo? Are we worthy?

If you use [Lord of the Abyss] as a jungler in a solo match, you will be scolded to death by your teammates.

Commentator, please don't misunderstand the level of the audience. We don't know how to play this hero at all.

My shadow only knows how to hit walls. Thank you ~

Let the mid laner help me fight my blue buff? Don't even think about it. He only knows how to steal my blue buff!

With the help of Ye Shaoyang, Chi Shuo started the game with two buffs. In addition to the three shadows' nimble displacement, the River Crab in the middle lane was also successfully snatched by Chi Shuo. The pace of the game was ridiculously fast.

When Jing Zhe was Level 5, Chi Shuo was already Level 6.

Most of the time, Chi Shuo was Level 6 and usually went to fight the little dragon or grab the archer at the bottom lane to reduce the pressure on Cheng Xing. Fang Zhengqing made a mark at the little dragon's position and said, "Support and watch the vision. Prepare the little dragon team."

Just as he finished speaking, a bullet suddenly shot out from the bushes in the distance.

"Bang!" The bullet hit Fang Zhengqing's Monster of the North Sea!

Since the Sharpshooter's attack range was further than the Monster of the North Sea, the audience could see that Ye Shaoyang was crouching in the bushes behind his own tower. With the vision provided by the minions, he accurately sniped Fang Zhengqing from a long distance!

The Sharpshooter's snipe was enough to take out half of the Mage's health.

Fang Zhengqing realized that something was wrong and immediately retreated.

All-round Mid LanerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ