In the second stage, because Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang didn't choose heroes, Jing Zhe targeted the mid laner crazily. Tianheng banned two top laners to reduce the pressure on Old Qin.

Tianheng chose [Sun Mage] on the fourth floor.

Jing Zhe chose [Rose's Edge] as top laner and [Bounty Warlock] as support on the fourth floor.

Tianheng's last counter, Chi Shuo chose [Shadow of the Waning Moon].

The lineups of both teams were finally decided. The two commentators looked at each other, and the netizens were also very confused.

Wasn't Jing Zhe's Poison Squad supported by Dark Priest?

This was a mutated Poison Squad. Bounty Warlock allowed the duo to develop quickly, and the pace of the early game was even faster!

Tianheng's lineups were a little strange. [Sun Mage], [Shadow of the Waning Moon], and [Meteor Arrow]. Was it a combination of sun, moon, and stars? Was this a coincidence or intentional?

It felt like the coaching team deliberately matched the sun, moon, and stars system!

[Sun Mage] was very violent and could be played as a close-combat mage. [Meteor Arrow] could shoot darts from a distance and stack bleed, which could quickly reduce the enemy's health. [Shadow of the Waning Moon] needed to be marked by moonlight to enter and exit the battlefield and harvest kills. These three heroes were indeed a good combination.

On the other hand, Jing Zhe's Poison Warlock and [Snake King] were the classic duo poison lineups. They were already strong in the early game. After [Bounty Warlock] was switched to [Bounty Warlock] as support, adding gold coins to the nearby teammates could speed up the pace of the early game.

Yao Mu analyzed, "Jing Zhe's mutated Poison Squad has a faster pace than the previous Poison Squad. In the past, they used [Heal] as support to poison the opponent and recover health at the same time, which was more suitable for a battle of attrition. Now, with the addition of gold coins as support, they can make core equipment as fast as possible. No one can withstand the damage of the duo poison. "

Brother Dong said, "The reason why the Poison Squad is so strong is because most of the heroes have low magic defense in the early game. [Snake King] and [Poison Warlock] work together to stack poison. After five stacks of poison, even the tank will lose health with every step. It's impossible to beat the Poison Squad in the early game. Today's mutated Poison Squad is even more aggressive in the early game. Jing Zhe is probably trying to end the match quickly! "

"Do you still remember that during Group S of the regular season, Jing Zhe used [Bounty Warlock]'s early game system to win against Tianheng. With this kind of early game lineups, it's easy to quickly establish an advantage and snowball! Jing Zhe's iron triangle lineups with two tanks and support are very well-coordinated! Will Tianheng's [Sun Mage], [Moon Mage], and [Star] be able to withstand the Poison Squad's early game attacks? "Yao Mu paused and smiled," Let's look forward to the second match between the two teams!

The second match soon began.

A long time ago, Ye Shaoyang and Chi Shuo were sitting below the stage at the Star City Esports Center. Chi Shuo pretended to be a coach and chatted with Ye Shaoyang. The two of them mentioned Jing Zhe's Poison Squad.

Ye Shaoyang once said to Chi Shuo, "The best way to deal with the Poison Squad's attrition strategy is to coordinate with the junglers and take out the core of the Poison Squad … Although it's difficult, there's always hope."

Jing Zhe's Poison Squad was very strong. Therefore, most coaches would ban Fang Zhengqing's [Snake King] to prevent Jing Zhe from taking the Poison Squad. However, no lineups are invincible. There's always a way to break them.

All-round Mid Lanerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें