Ryutaro cleared his throat as he ran his fingers through his long blue hair, looking at Kyoya with a haze of anger boiling over. "I'm sorry Kyoya let me wrap my fucking head around this one... You HIT Hart? KYOYA WHAT IS THE NUMBER ONE RULE, WE DO NOT INSINUATE VIOLENCE BETWEEN EACH OTHER ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME." Rolling his eyes Kyoya slammed his chair in, grabbing at the ends of his messy hair. "It's not my fault, that was after we brought her back from the meeting and we found out that Hart was using her like a cutting board. I'm sure that any of you would have kicked his ass. Me and him have so much history together, and he finally gets his hands on her and he just abuses her? Fuck no I don't think so, I am sure not going to let that happen." Kyoya stormed off, leaving Nile, Gingka and Ryutaro alone, not sure of what to do next.

"We need to look into Hart more now than ever, especially now that Hart know me and kyoya railed into Y/n before. I hate to say this but her head is for sure on the chopping block." Ryutaro sighed as he knew Nile was right, he knew that now Y/n was in danger more now than ever. Before the conversation could resume, the ding of a glass caught everyone's eye, looking to the center of the room was Ryuga, all the men bowing their heads. "Attention everyone, we are holding a meeting with all the gang members, your wives included, unfortunately Y/n since you were never initiated you will have to sit this one out." Y/n nodded as she left Hart, making her way out to the bar, Nile sitting there with a drink, with his hands running through his hair.

"Hey, you okay?" Before Y/n could rest her hand on Niles back, he quickly slapped her hand away from him. Y/n looked confused as she backed up, standing a few feet away. "What the hell y/n. You were so admit on leaving him, but then he pulls you upstairs and then boom you come down here and your wrapped around his finger like he never did anything in the first place, you went to the higher up meeting and confessed that Hart was abusing you and then he fucks you and all of a sudden its just all better? I'm sorry Y/n but I can't keep supporting you if your gonna do this."

Y/n looked dumb founded at Nile, furrowing her eyebrows as she looked down, shaking her head. "Exactly you can't even speak to me because you know that I'm right, and here you are with a giant ass rock sitting on your finger, what did he propose? Are you willing to forget everything that me and you have talked about.. let alone done these past few nights?But no let me not forget that Hart fucks you so good every night that you would go back and retract the abuse claims because you "love" him so much. Me and you have fucked twice now, I confessed how I feel, you fuck me and then you just leave and go back to him?" Y/n scoffed as she brushed her h/l h/c hair away from her face. "And you try being in my shoes, have I had a crush on you? Yea over the years that if my teenage self knew what we did these last few nights would be in absolute heaven. But when my family was killed I decided it was better to shut all of my feelings off. when we fucked it was a heat of the moment I'm sorry okay, Hart is fucking intimidating, I am trying my absolute best to make sure I don't end up dead, sure he has some weird ways of showing he loves me... but I know he does."

The sharp shattering of a scotch glass rang in the air, Niles arm resting in the air after the cup made contact with the wall. standing up and walking towards y/n, watching her as she stumbled back. "Okay then, if he loves you so much than how has your stalker been huh? Remember when you came crying to me that he was back, and that he followed you all the way to my house where you were crying in my arms. who was the one that opened the door when you found your family dead? Who did you move in with for months until you moved here? WHO let you create your own side of the bedroom in their own room when you were afraid that your stalker was waiting for you to come home. THATS RIGHT Y/N. IT WAS ME THE ENTIRE TIME, I HAVE BEEN THERE FOR YOU THROUGH ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, AND YOUR JUST GOING TO THROUGH IT AWAY FOR SOME GUY WHO DOESN'T SEE YOUR TRUE WORTH? FUCK YOU, FUCK THIS I'M OUT OF HERE." Nile stormed past y/n leaving her alone with tears forming in her eyes.

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