Chapter 106

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But Chan couldn't remain calm. Something was terribly wrong. He could just feel it. "I don't know why I feel so restless Changbin. Felix only runs away when something bad happens. Fuck! And things were just fine this morning. We talked things out and decided to leave the past in past. Now I don't know what to do."

"His phone is ringing. Just wait" Changbin said. "I'm sure everything is okay."

"Hold on I can hear something." Mingi suddenly said through the phone.

They went silent as they listened to Mingi moving around then they heard a phone ringing. It then dawned on them that Felix left his phone at home.

"Fuck Chris, his phone's here" Mingi said and Chan felt his blood run cold. "I just saw it on the floor now. It's all cracked."

Chan's heart sunk to his stomach in dread. His body started to shake. "Check the cameras. Now. We're almost there."

Some minutes later,

Chan burst into the house like a storm. He found Mingi sitting on the couch with two laptops on the coffee table. "What did you find? Who took him?"

Mingi turned the first laptop towards Chan. "No one. He left on his own."

"What do you mean he left on his own?" Chan asked. He was confused as well as scared. "Why will Felix leave me? Are you sure of what you're saying?"

Mingi sighed and gestured at the laptop. "See for yourself. He ran out of the house on his own."

Chan shook his head, refusing to look at the laptop. "No. He won't leave me. Felix won't leave me." He didn't want to believe that Felix would leave him just like that. "Ch-Check again Mingi. Maybe you missed something."

Changbin went straight into the kitchen and came out with a bottle of water. "Here, sit and drink this. You need to calm down."

"I can't Changbin. I really can't." Chan said. He dug his fingers into his hair, tugging on his locks in a frustrated manner. "I can't calm down. Why would Felix leave me? I mean, we had a good time last night. Even this morning. We talked. W-We- fuck!"

Changbin gently pushed him back, making him sit on a nearby couch. He then opened the bottle cap and handed him the water. "Look we need you to think clearly okay. For that to happen, you need to drink this and calm down so we can find him. I also do not agree that Felix will leave like that. There has to be something we're missing so calm down and let's find it together okay. We'll find Felix. Together."

Chan raised his head and they were surprised to find his eyes red already. He looked like he was about to break down completely. He took a deep breath and collected the bottle. "You're right. I should calm down. This isn't the time to panic. Feliix may need me."

"That's it. You need to be strong. For Felix." Changbin continued to encourage him.

Chan drank two mouthfuls of water then sighed deeply. He felt a bit better for he had stopped shaking.

"Better?" Changbin asked and he nodded then pulled the first laptop closer. "Let's watch and see what happened. Maybe we'll understand why he left."

Mingi pushed the second laptop to Chan too. "From what I observed, he received a phone call and left after that. Maybe someone called him over?"

"But Felix won't leave his phone here if that was the case" Changbin said. "There should be something else."

"Where's his phone?" Chan asked and Mingi handed it to him. "I want to see who called him."

"You know his password?" Changbin asked, surprised. 

Chan smiled, feeling a bit smug. "Of course. It's my name."

Changbin and Mingi rolled their eyes.

He typed in his name and what he saw made him almost drop the phone. He went pale, like he had seen a ghost.

At once, everything fell into place.

Felix leaving without a word, without his phone. Just disappearing.

The reason was clear.

It was himself.

"Chris, what is it? What did you see?" Changbin asked, feeling worried. Chan was acting really strange.

Mingi was also worried and slightly scared. He didn't like to see Chan this way.

Changbin reached for the phone but Chan turned off the screen, a clear sign that he didn't want anyone seeing what was in it.

"I did this to myself" he said to no one in particular then he started to laugh. "I did this to myself."

Changbin and Mingi shared a worried look.

"What are you talking about, Chris? What's going on?" Changbin asked.

"Dude you can't just leave us hanging like this." Mingi said. "What did you see?"

Chan shook his head as a few drops of tears rolled down his cheeks. He was crying as well as laughing. It was so painful. He felt as if his heart was being squashed by a huge tractor and at the same time, the whole situation was funny because the thing he had been avoiding since the very beginning, the one thing he knew had the power to ruin his relationship with Felix was already out.

Even after burying everything, someone managed to unearth it and send it to Felix directly. He was sure that Felix went to get answers and he'll be in trouble when Felix gets back.

Their relationship was already doomed.

Everything was in shambles.

"You two can leave. Felix will come back." he said. "Please don't ask me any questions. I cannot answer them for now but I promise, Felix will be back so please, let me be alone for now."

Changbin knew the kind of person Chan was. If he needed to think and sort things out, he liked to be alone. Any disturbance would just make things worse.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Mingi asked, unsure about leaving Chan alone.

Chan nodded. "I'll be fine."

'As long as Felix comes back to me'

Changbin sighed, patting Chan on the shoulder. "Fine we'll go but don't do anything stupid or I'll kill you. Call me if you need me okay."

Chan nodded then they went out, leaving him alone to his thoughts.

But only one sentence kept repeating in his mind.

'Please, come back to me, Felix.'

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