Chapter 90

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"Dude I won't stop being your friend you know" he said, playfully nudging Jeongin with his elbow. "And I won't judge you for what you did then but I want you to apologise to Chan for your behaviour during that dinner that day. Chan was the one you wronged and I honestly can't remember anything so despite it being strange to say, I really don't have any feelings towards Aera whatsoever. Sure, what you guys did is wrong but I don't know why it's not hitting me you know"

He pressed his chest. "I feel uncomfortable. Like my heart is heavy or something but the feelings I had for her vanished with my memories. I feel like I wasn't there when it all went down so I don't think I have any right to say anything but Chan deserves an apology from you doesn't he?"

Jeongin couldn't describe the kind of happiness he felt at that moment. A large smile appeared on his face as he tackled Felix in a bear hug. "I'll do it! I'll apologise. I'll do anything as long as you don't turn me away"

Felix couldn't help but laugh. "Okay okay get off me. You smell like beer"

Jeongin chuckled as he released him. "Thank you Felix. Thank you for sticking with me. You're honestly the only friend I have."

"Well, we're the only ones left after all" Felix shrugged. "What's the point of so many years of friendship if we can't stick together?"

"Well said man" Jeongin laughed as he patted Felix on the shoulder. "Here, let me help you carry that. It must be heavy"

He collected the backpack from Felix and slid one arm over his shoulder, grunting from the weight. "Damn what's in this thing? How many months were you planning to stay away?"

Felix chuckled then shrugged. "As long as it took to find out the truth and process it. I wasn't planning on going back anytime soon but you've changed my mind"

Jeongin let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks to me. Only God knows what Chris would do to us just to find you. He'll turn South Korea upside down."

Not believing Jeongin's words, Felix rolled his eyes. "Yeah right. Like he'd actually do that"

"Wait, you don't believe me?" Jeongin gasped, coming to a stop.

Felix shrugged. "It just seems too much that's all. I mean, look what my parents did to him and what happened to his sister. Besides, you said he used me to get revenge. I'm not sure of anything right now"

Jeongin quickly placed his hands on Felix shoulders and shook him hard. "Dude wake the fuck up. That guy is madly in love with you. I don't know why you can't see it. Forget the past. It has nothing do with the present."

"Okay okay let me go" Felix laughed, breaking out of Jeongin's hold. He wanted to believe Chan loves him as Jeongin said but he could only truly agree when Chan says it himself.

They kept talking and joking around as they walked.

"Damn you sure ran a long way" Jeongin said with a smile. "Didn't think you could run like that. Jisung and I used to force you to even go to the gym"

Felix smiled as he recalled Jeongin and Jisung literally dragging him out of the house to exercise during the holidays before the second year.

"You'd always say that you are already handsome enough to attract girls. You didn't need muscles like we ugly people. I used to get so mad when you said that"

That made Felix laugh. "Dude I'm sure you knew I was joking. But seriously, look at this face. Do I need abs and muscles?"

Jeongin chuckled as his eyes skimmed over Felix's beautiful features. "I guess not". Felix has always been blessed with good looks. His beauty hadn't diminished one bit. Instead, he looked even more charming.

Jeongin's phone suddenly rang, halting his thoughts and he fished it out then frowned when he saw the caller ID. "Fuck it's a client. I really have to take this. Wait here"

He walked away before Felix could say anything but Felix didn't mind. He leaned against the wall of a building and waited. Jeongin didn't go too far. He just stood by a corner where there were less people and Felix could see him so he wasn't bothered.

"Look what we have here" Felix heard a man with a gruff voice say as he approached him from the left. He could smell the stinking odour of alcohol oozing from his body. He scrunched his nose in disgust and turned right but bumped into another man who smelled even worse. Like pee and stale cigarettes.

"What do you want?" Felix asked, putting up a brave face whereas, his knees were shaking and his heart was beating erratically. Why did these people have to show up just when Jeongin left? As if they had been following them, waiting for the perfect chance to attack.

"He looks so pretty doesn't he?" the smelly one by the right with a dirty beard said, moving closer to Felix. "Our boss really has a good eye. Look at him. I think his clothes will fetch us a huge amount of cash"

"I ain't bothered about his clothes" the one on the left with no beard said as he gazed at Felix lecherously. "I'm more interested in what's underneath"

Felix's heart jumped to his throat in fear and he opened his mouth to scream but the one with the dirty beard quickly pulled out a knife and pressed it against Felix's side, right at the ribs. "Scream and I'll kill you right here" he threatened.

"Please, let me go. You want money right? I have lots of it" Felix pleaded. "I'll give any amount. I'll write you a blank check. Anything. Just let me go"

The one with no beard laughed as they pulled Felix along. He begged and begged but they refused to listen. Felix wanted to cry. He tried to get the attention of people as they passed but the bearded man would push the knife harder each time, scaring Felix to death. They didn't stop until they entered a dark murky alley.

"You wanna go first or should I?" the one with no beard asked his friend.

"Nah you go first. Loosen up his ass for me. I'll take that pretty mouth"

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