Chapter 22: "Hunger drives the wolf out of the wood"

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I haven't expected her to actually accept my past so easily. I have forgotten that we fear those who had hurt us before. Ivory was hurt by her father and her pack, never by hunters. So from her perspective Alpha, not a hunter means the danger.

And Pearl? Pearl is just too pure too innocent, and yet she understands more than sure many would give her the credit. She understands that she is different and because of that her father didn't like her, she understands just like Ivory that he meant danger.

I do care a lot about Jewels, I will keep them safe no matter what, just like with Danny. I must keep him safe too.

I manage to pick up some books and walk in the direction of a cashier. I wonder if the Jewels, especially Pearls will be happy when they see their presents.

Recently Doggy has smelt rogues more often in our town. I guess another group of them is just passing by but I should think about precautions. When I moved here I didn't bring with me too much ammunition, and what I brought I keep using recently. So I thought it wouldn't be such a stupid idea to secure more. As I remembered correctly not so far away from here there was one of the guys who had used to provide weapons and ammunition to the clan, maybe reaching to him wouldn't be so stupid, I needed to be prepared just in case.

And that's what I did, I'm currently on my way to pick up the cargo he's decided to sell me, I've just stopped for a moment to buy some presents for my Jewels. I open my track's trunk and that's when my plan to calmly make some preparation just in case blows off. I put shopping bags in the trunk on the blanket where something moves.

"Fuck, no way!" I shout pulling the blanket away and seeing curled Pearl.

Just one look at her and I know that this wasn't an accident, she has hidden here on purpose. She managed to fool us all, that's for sure.

"Please don't be angry," she starts whimpering as she leaves the trunk.

"Why the hell have you done it?"

"I heard Aunty Mae and you. You said it is dangerous, I don't want you to do dangerous no matter what. I want to be with you," she whimpers and starts fidgeting, of course, she did it on purpose.

I sigh wondering what to do, as I unlock my phone which for some reason is turned off, I haven't noticed that earlier.

"Pearl, did you turn off my phone?" I ask.

"Yes, aunty can't call you and tell about Pearl. But I took the pills which keep us safe, I can go with you, you won't be alone, want to be with you."

I sigh once again, but despite being angry I just can't scream at her no matter what. I call home and I'm not surprised that they have tried to reach me for the last couple of hours, basically since the moment I left. It takes me some time to explain to them that Pearl is with me and after that, I wonder what should I do. Taking her back now is not an option, my contact is already waiting for me and if I don't show up on time there will be no deal. Dylan is very cautious, he wasn't happy with my call but agreed to do it as payback after the last time.

"Aunty Mae I'll take Pearl with me, I promise to be cautious no matter what," I say and disconnect.

"Daddy are you very angry at Pearl?" she asks me not daring to look at me.

"Yes I am, but now is not the time for that, I have to be at one place exactly in an hour so I need you to listen to me no matter what, do you understand?"

She nods as I explain to her what I need her to do. I must say I'm impressed, she managed to stay hidden for so many hours and I haven't noticed her.

I start my car and we resume our journey, when I park my car in front of the old and seemingly abandoned warehouse, Pearl is once again lying hidden under a blanket only this time Doggy sits next to her.

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