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Chapter 57

Biyone's pov

Everyone wanted to know how it went that evening when we reach home, they all gather around as if there was a celebration. "All who waan come pon di next trip Biyone have one pardner a start next week Sunday, now uno dismiss uno body," Jahnoi tells them loudly in his deep authoritative voice.

Jalan gave me an envelope that evening as we sat on the back porch, I felt bad that Binoi didn't want me to hug him too much as he wiggled out of my arms again and went to play with Tee-Tee. I look thoughtfully and the envelope then open it and immediately started to laugh. I glance up at the sound of Jahnoi's voice over by his mother's house and saw him walking on the path to Buju's house. The boys ran behind Jalan and soon they disappeared behind the flowers leading to my family's house. With a sigh I took the letter with the latest date on it and began to read.

Dear Finey, I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am Jahnoi, Theous's younger brother and I am writing you to tell you that you're very beautiful and I admire you a lot. My best friend who's your brother says you don't know me, but I came out on the road yesterday evening so that you could see me. I even pull my hoody down when you were passing so you can see me and I hope you like me. It's been a while now that I like you but my dad doesn't allow me to come out too much when I get home from school, so I won't get to talk to you. Sometimes I sneak out at night but I know you can't sneak out, I'm brave though. Please write me back and give it to Jalan to give me or I'll try to sneak out in the lane when you're passing home from school with Kemar and you can give me secretly.

Next letter

Dear Finey, please, pleaaaasssee write me back. Can you walk slower and look over to where I'm sitting with my friends, you walk so fast with Kemar when you past in the evenings from school and I barely get to see you. I wish I could here you speak, you don't talk to anyone. I really like you and I want to be your boyfriend, you don't have to be afraid because I'm the don's son, I like you very much and I will marry you. Your bottom is getting fat and I you're really sexy in the clothes you wear to go and sell with your mother. I always wake up early so I can see you from upstairs when you are going out of the lane. I can't stop thinking about you.

Next letter dated four months later...

Dear Finey, I have paid Kemar $200 to give you this letter because Jalan tells me he hasn't given you my other letters. He's my best friend and he's being a good brother to protect you from boys, but I'm a good man and I really want you to be my girlfriend. I like you very much, I saw you last week when I was coming back from my father's funeral and you are so pretty. I would like to french kiss with you and give you some of the foreign things all my families brought. You look sexy and I want you for myself, don't talk to any of the other young man like the other girls just talk to me alone. I don't want any other person touching you, only me and you will do the thing.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.... Oh Goooodddd," I laugh rubbing away the tears from my eyes.

"Saviour Jesus, ha ha ha ha ha aha.... Humnnnnn..."

I took up another letter because I couldn't bare to miss heaven's gate by continuing to read that one. Jahnoi walk up with Roxy behind him and ask. "A wha sweet you suh?"

He should have never ask, I began to read out this letter aloud starting from the date. "Dear baby girl Finey, it's your boy Jahnoi. I've just come back from foreign and I brought something for you, I hope you haven't been talking to any other man because I'm waiting on you to turn sixteen to start dating you-"

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