Everyone: "…"

That made sense!

Tianheng still had Ye Shaoyang in command. It was useless to just guess Chi Shuo. It was a miscalculation!

To defend or to release? Everyone was waiting for their captain's orders.

Fang Zhengqing said calmly, "Release, go and fight Red Face."

Thus, in the battle for the first four buffs, Chi Shuo took the red spot and took the blue spot. Jing Zhe gave the first blue spot to Fang Zhengqing and the first red spot to Xie Yuan. The jungler conscientiously became a tool.

Both sides got two buffs each and did not engage in a team battle. It could be considered a peaceful start.

The commentator laughed and said, "Both sides missed each other after you predicted my prediction. Now, let's see the battle for the river crab and the line between the two players."

The top laner, mid laner, and support archer were all on the line.

The middle lane river crab was also a resource that the junglers of both sides had to fight for. Jing Zhe's jungler, One Blade, was secretly hiding in the bushes. He wanted to cooperate with Fang Zhengqing's Black Fog and wait for the river crab to have low HP before using Punishment.

As soon as Fang Zhengqing released his Black Fog, he saw Ye Shaoyang suddenly summon two little white wolves, one from the left and one from the right to attack the river crab. The moment Fang Zhengqing's Black Fog hit, the little wolves bit the river crab.

The river crab only had one-third of its HP left and could be killed by Punishment. Jing Zhe's jungler was overjoyed and immediately rushed forward to use Punishment. However, he saw a black wolf suddenly jump out of the bushes. Then, the opponent's body lit up with the light of leveling up. Chi Shuo also used Punishment!

When two players used their skills, the difference in the order of their skills could be 0.01 seconds. He had already caught up with Fang Zhengqing as fast as he could, but he still couldn't get it. Was this scientific?

Dao Feng Yu couldn't help but complain, "F * ck, these two people's brainwaves are synchronized. They used their skills at the same time!"

Fang Zhengqing said, "Xiao Dao, quickly go to the jungle and prepare for the first wave of Dragon team."

Jing Zhe's player's name was actually quite interesting. His jungler's ID was Dao, and his surname was Dao. This surname was very unpopular, so everyone called him Xiao Dao. This player debuted in the S8 season and followed Jing Zhe to the World Series. Although he wasn't a world-class player, his overall ability was very well-rounded. He could be considered to have been trained by Fang Zhengqing.

Dao Feng Yu immediately adjusted his mentality and ran to the jungle to farm.

Chi Shuo got a double buff in the beginning of the game and got the river crab. His tool gave the buff to his teammate, so his level was definitely lower than Chi Shuo's by two to three levels. The first wave of Dragon team would be at a disadvantage. But the good news was that after he gave the buff, Fang Zhengqing would have the advantage against Ye Shaoyang. Xie Yuan would also have the advantage against Cheng Xing.

Jing Zhe's Mid Shot was a world-class double C. Even if the jungler's level was low, he would still be able to defeat his opponent in a team battle.

Dao Feng Yu was very confident in his two teammates, so he went to the jungle and cleared out the remaining small monsters.

In this game, there was nothing to see in the top lane. The two tanks didn't lose much HP. In the bottom lane, Cheng Xing + Qujiang definitely couldn't beat Xie Yuan + Li Yunmo. However, Cheng Xing was very wretched. He hid under the tower to clear the monsters and didn't waste time with you. Xie Yuan couldn't jump over the tower to kill him in the early game, so both sides were at peace.

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