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Monday, July 11. Morning.

"What I wouldn't give for a vacation," Akechi sighed.

"We're almost there!" You encouraged him. "One more week to go!"

"Unlike you, I work," Akechi said bitterly.

"Maybe I'll just have to get a part time job," you said. You looked up at the sky, which was clear and blue, the sun already beating down on you. "Ugh…it's so hot."

"You think it's hot?" Akechi scoffed. "I have to put my jacket on when I go to work."

"Consider the shirtless Goro Akechi option," you teased.

"Can you imagine what would happen? My nipples would be people's profile pictures," Akechi sighed.

"Oh…" It had completely slipped your mind. "There already are…naked pictures of you online. Someone took photos of you bathing at a public bath."

Akechi fell silent, then he grinned. "How much are nude photos of me selling for? Actually, maybe we could make a business out of it. I've just secured you a part time job."

"I am not pimping my boyfriend out! What the hell," you said, pushing him playfully.

Akechi's fanclub was waiting for you both at the gate. Akechi seemed indifferent to them, but you were still angry at them for what they did to him. 

"Akechi-kun!" Cried out fanfiction girl. "Did you know your popularity has reached almost ninety-eight percent?!"

"Who said that, now?" Akechi said, putting on his princely mask. Normally this annoyed you, but since the "incidents" with the Black Mask in Mementos, a lot of Akechi's more snake-like behaviors were amusing you instead. It was like you were in on a twisted joke, and you enjoyed the small rush it gave you.

"All the polls on your fan websites. Also social media," she reported.

"You know, I never got your name," said Akechi. "You know mine, of course."

"M-my name?!" Fanfiction girl gasped. "O-oh, it's Takagaki. Mako Takagaki."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Takagaki-chan," Akechi smiled. "Formally, at least."

You got a good look at Takagaki's appearance. She had medium length black hair that looked like she just rolled out of bed. Despite it being summer, she was wearing a thin long sleeved sweater made from some sort of knit or sweatshirt material. She had bags under her eyes, which were framed by wire rimmed glasses. If she took time on her appearance, she probably would look a lot cuter than she was at first glance.

You had an urge to punch her in the face. How dare she put her hands on him? How dare another mouth touch him? How dare someone else taste him, even if it was just for a moment?

Takagaki looked back at her group of friends, then looked at Akechi. She clearly was trying to contain her excitement. "R-right!!" She said, approaching Akechi and closing the distance between them.

You stepped in front of Akechi to prevent her from getting too close. Akechi glanced down at you, clearly amused with your jealous display. He was going to give you shit for it later, but you didn't care.

Takagaki's face fell, and she backed away. "So you're still dating her?" She said sourly.

"Rumors are quite interesting things, aren't they?" Akechi said cheerfully. "What, want me to do an exclusive interview where I disclose all my personal details?"

"Will you?" Takagaki gasped.

"Oh…come on now," Akechi gently scolded her. "If I was married , I don't think it would deter any of you from wanting me, would it?"

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