Video Tapes

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Thursday, January 12? After School.

“Come, Cendrillon! If you don't answer my call now…how else can we make our dream come true?!”

The dazzling, breathtaking display of Sumire finally finding her courage had stunned you and the other thieves into silence. She stood up for herself in a display of power and grace, ready to face Maruki and her own inner demons.

You glanced at Akechi, whose face was unreadable like stone while looking at her. You looked around you, and suddenly felt extremely inferior. Thus far in the palace that day, Akechi had opposed Sumire joining you, claiming her weakness would endanger others. He had never said these things to you, but you couldn't help but feel like he might have thought them. 

You were, by far, still the weakest Phantom Thieves, and leagues behind your boyfriend. You felt like a cheap accessory without much substance, walking around in Akechi's shadow. Now Akechi had another persona to add to his abilities, but you were still stuck with your sidekick-sona. The envy you felt towards Sumire sickened you. You knew the only reason you felt like this was because you were afraid Akechi's gaze would go elsewhere, and this display of her power felt somewhat threatening. You wanted to feel happy for her, but at the same time you just felt crushing defeat.

After you stood in the back, watching those who were stronger than you fight shadows (it so happened to be Ren, Akechi, and Sumire), you almost wanted to give up. 

“You're quiet,” said Akechi softly. He ran his metal claws through the back of your head to mess with your hair as you walked.

“What do you want me to say? Don't you prefer me quiet and submissive?” You said sourly. 

“I have a tendency to prefer misbehaved little kittens,” Akechi said smugly.

You rolled your eyes.

“You're so pouty!” Akechi then pouted, but you only saw half of his expression.

“Don't tease me, Crow! We have a mission to do!” You snapped.

Akechi removed his hand and stopped pestering you. He seemed surprised at your foul mood, but he didn't press the issue. You felt even worse now, because he was just trying to cheer you up, and you had pushed him away.

There was a huge storage room filled with dangerous foes and many platforms with boxes. After some traversing, you managed to navigate your way through it. Akechi was as protective of you as always, but he kept his conversation to a bare minimum. You couldn't tell if he was angry or hurt, and it struck you with paranoia. The stress of a potential fight with him again was killing you more than the stress of being ripped apart by shadows.

You reached a room filled with screens that showed various parts of the palace. Futaba inspected the technology, eventually reporting the entire thing was sending data to Mementos. The path forwards in the palace was blocked by a thick wall of data cords, which looked exactly like the cords on the wall of Mementos. Ren decided it was best to call it a day, and you would head into Mementos to deal with the cords tomorrow.


Akechi didn't say anything to you when you arrived home, and merely went to the couch to read some books he had somehow gotten his hands on. 

You put on some rice for dinner, then sat on the opposite end of the couch. “What are you reading?”

Akechi looked over the top of the book. “Fiction, for once. Maruki neglected to deem books containing violence and other unsavory acts unsuitable for his reality, so I have all the horror I could ever dream of reading.”

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