Epilogue 2: White Day

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Saturday, March 11. Evening.

You rolled over in bed. You had your small Akechi plushie clutched to your chest as you stared at the empty side of your mattress. No matter how many blankets you used, you never felt enough warmth. You tried rolling over onto his side of the bed, but that didn't work. You grabbed his pillow and took a deep breath, but all it smelled like was laundry detergent.

Akechi was busier than ever. He hardly was able to call you at all, opting for good morning and good night texts. You had fallen into a state of depression, feeling locked inside your apartment by your security. You were so tired of being in danger. At least the visions were no longer an issue,but they were replaced by nightmares. You knew the difference, mostly afterwards when you woke up. Visions would stay with you clearly, while when you woke up you always knew that it was simply a dream.

You picked up your phone and called him. You knew you were being selfish, and Akechi was tired, but you were in such emotional distress without him you couldn't sleep.


Akechis voice was hoarse and disoriented. You felt immediate guilt for you woke him.

"I-I'm sorry--"

"Y/N? Is something wrong?" His voice was more alert and anxious.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called you," you apologized.

You heard the shuffling of his blankets. "Something must be wrong, otherwise you wouldn't have."

"I just...missed you."

Akechi was silent for a few moments, then sighed. "I miss you too. Every night I go to bed I'm exhausted, but...without you the nightmares are more frequent."

You gasped. "Goro..."

"No...Y/N, don't worry about it," Akechi laughed bitterly. "Although you did happen to wake me from a particularly nasty one."

"I want to hold you."

Akechi made a noise. "Yeah...well..."

"I can tell you blushed."

"Y/N it's one in the morning."

You started laughing.

"Tomorrow's Sunday, I don't have anything scheduled," said Akechi. "I can call you tomorrow, okay?"

You snuggled back into bed and held your tiny Akechi plush in your arms. "You promise?"

"You're sounding like a very needy kitten," Akechi teased.

You rolled your eyes.

"Now close your eyes and pretend I'm with you," Akechi said with some theatrics.


"Shshsh! No, my princess, close your eyes and dream of me."

You giggled and laid down.

"Please, my beloved beautiful and perfect kitten princess...let me sleep," Akechi begged. "I will give you my undivided attention...tomorrow."

"I love you, goodnight," you said.

"And I love you," Akechi said lovingly. "Goodnight, my kitten."

You set your phone down and grabbed the Akechi plush. You were always initiating phone calls it felt like. Akechi always picked up, but...he wasn't calling you. He texted you, but you felt as if you were the one always initiating a call. Was he that exhausted? He had told you he was getting home late at night and had to leave early in the morning, so maybe he was tired. You closed your eyes and thought of him, soon falling asleep wishing he was there.

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