Shaved Ice Cream

91 1 17

Wednesday, August 17. Daytime.

"I just…wanted to get away."

You (the Phantom Thieves, Akechi, and yourself) were standing in a haphazard circle around Hifumi. She had entered into her mother's palace suddenly, having been chased by a shadow towards your group. Ren seemed amused, but the rest were a bit shocked.

"Your mom too much for you?" Ren asked.

"I can't do this anymore!" Hifumi cried. "Now I have to lie about my matches! I can't even talk about shogi with passion anymore…there's just the dread in the back of my mind that I'm a fraud."

"Hifumi, I understand but it's dangerous here," you said, trying to comfort her.

"Yeah…I don't want you to get hurt," chimed in Ann.

Akechi grabbed Hifumi's arm and pulled her behind him, now both her and you facing his back. "We're splitting up. I'll take Togo-san with me to an entrance and return her to the real world. I'm the only one strong enough to go alone."

"You're not going to go alone, you're going to take Angel with you," scoffed Morgana.

"You, Queen, and Panther can heal, so stop complaining."

"...Queen? Panther?" Hifumi seemed confused.

"Code names," said Ren.

Hifumi's brows furrowed. "I don't want to leave! I have the same app as Y/N–"

"Angel," Ryuji corrected her.

"Angel…? Angel. Anyway, I have the same app as her and Akechi-kun–"

"Crow," Ryuji corrected again.

"I resent this," muttered Akechi.

"...he does look like a giant bird, doesn't he?" Hifumi stated. "But as I was trying to say, I shouldn't just leave. This is my mother whose heart we are trying to change."

"It's dangerous, Togo-san," Akechi said. "You don't have a persona."

"Ah…well, I can surely obtain one, right?" Hifumi asked.

"Well…" Morgana spoke up. "It's dangerous, but we're all here to protect her. Maybe going through her mother's palace will trigger her persona's awakening."

Akechi seemed unamused. "And what, you'll draft her into the Phantom Thieves?"

"You have a problem with that?" Ren smirked.

"I do, in fact–"

"Isn't that my choice?" Hifumi's voice was sour. "God, I can't believe Y/N–Angel puts up with you."

Hifumi stayed sandwiched between Ren and Yusuke for protection. She didn't seem surprised to find out her classmate was also a Phantom Thief. How much had she figured out on her own? You didn't know. She was smart, but quiet and kept to herself. That's what made her all the more terrifying sometimes.

The palace was divided into sections. At the center was the Theater, where there was to be a big performance. Morgana sensed the treasure there on the stage, so you all would have to sneak backstage somehow. You were currently in the dressing room area, and you would have to steal card keys to get past security. Easy enough, just beat up a few shadows and move on. 

"Are all palaces like this?" Asked Hifumi.

"Themed different, but more or less," Yusuke replied. "This one is the worst. It lacks originality and is so bland."

Hifumi seemed to not know whether to laugh or to be offended since this was her mother's cognition.

Hifumi stood in the back when battles broke out. She watched intently, taking in everyone's abilities and movements. You had no idea what she was formulating in her head, but she gave you insight once you had obtained all the card keys.

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