Case Closed

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Friday, November 18. Late Night.

It was the night before the heist on Sae's palace. Everyone had collectively agreed to not send the calling card until the last minute, as Akechi had brought up several good points on why Sae would be resistant to the calling card's effects. He also disclosed her investigation on the Thieves would begin on the twentieth, making the eighteenth the best day to send it. 

You felt uneasy. It felt too…convenient, but you didn't voice that opinion.

Akechi was sound asleep next to you. He was clutching one of your stuffed toys in his arms, which made him look childlike. He did this sometimes, wordlessly, and you didn't comment on it. You didn't want to tease him or encourage him, embarrassing him either way.

You touched his hair. It was damp from his shower, and stuck to his forehead. He flinched and sat up, gasping. "Who's there?!"

"Goro! It's okay, it's just me!" You tried calming him down.

Akechi shook his head and fully woke up. "S-sorry."

You touched him on the stomach. "It's okay, Goro, go back to sleep."

Akechi lay back down. You rubbed his stomach in circular motions, lifting his t-shirt slightly. You could tell he was still tense.

"Goro, what are you afraid of? We're safe…aren't we?" You said in a low voice. "The police won't–"

"It's nothing, kitten. There's nothing to be worried about at all." He looked up at you and smiled. "You'll be safe, I promise."

"I don't…care if I'm safe if you're not."

Akechi touched your hand. "Don't worry. I have to be around to protect you. Everything will be back on track after tomorrow."

You gulped. "Goro…"

Akechi started pulling you towards him. You replaced the stuffed animal in his arms, cuddled against him. He traced the back of his fingers against your exposed skin and along the silk of your nightgown. "Do you trust me?"

You nodded.

He kissed the top of your head. "Then don't worry about a thing."

Saturday, November 19. After School.

The heist began. The Thieves made their way to the treasure room, route officially secured. Of course, as was custom with palaces, the ruler fought with all their might to keep the treasure intact. Sae used a rigged roulette game against them, true to the theme of the palace, before transforming into a hideous monster and attacking you directly. It was a nasty fight, and even Akechi seemed to need focus against the powerful demon Sae's envy had conjured.

Once she was defeated, you left Makoto alone with Sae's shadow for a few moments. The others went to look for the treasure.

You stood by Akechi, tending to his wounds. He had taken heavy hits, as the Leviathan was resistant to curse damage, and that left him expending his life force for powerful sword attacks. 

You couldn't tell what he was thinking, especially since his mask obscured almost all of his face. You drank a bit of coffee you had in your bag, restoring some energy, so you could use a healing spell on him.

"Thank you," he said solemnly. The blood on his clothing began to disappear, and he was able to stand up straight.

When everyone regrouped when Makoto was done speaking to her sister's shadow, Futaba suddenly yelled in alarm.

"Enemy readings! When did they…?! They're gathering outside!"

"For real?! The hell's going on?" Ryuji cried.

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