Waffle Cones

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"Mom? Mom, where are you? Hello? I'm home! Mom? Mom?! Hey wake up!! Mom!!"

Sunday, May 8. Morning.

What the hell kind of a dream was that? A vivid, horrible nightmare. Pov, you find your mom dead. Who the hell was that woman? You couldn't even remember her face, although you felt like you had seen her somewhere before.

You snuck out into your living room, where Akechi started to stir. He bolted upright, looking confused. He rubbed his face, and when he saw you he realized where he was and relaxed. "You let me sleep here all night?" He groaned, his morning voice raspy.

"I didn't want to wake you," you said. "Want some tea?"

"Sure," Akechi murmured. He rubbed his face and made his way to your bathroom. You couldn't help but giggle. Was he really not a morning person?

Akechi emerged looking even more dead than he did the night before. He sat down at your kitchen table, and you handed him a mug of tea.

"Good morning," you said with a smile. 

Akechi shook his head. "I want to sleep for a year."

"You may use my couch for as long as you like," you assured him.

"No…I don't have that luxury," he sighed. "I want to take the day completely off. I'm so sick of working on Sunday."

"Then...take one," you said. "You're not even eighteen yet, they can't make you work this much...can they?"

Akechi laughed bitterly. "I'm telling my coworker I'm taking today off whether she likes it or not. She's going to be pissed."

"She?" You asked, a bubble of jealousy forming in your chest.

Akechi's smile was pure evil. "Why yes...I see her almost every day. Beautiful woman. Young, talented, strong and independent."

You felt yourself nearly combust.

"Oh my god, are you jealous?" Akechi laughed. "Don't worry, she's far too old for me. Besides, she's not my type."

"W-why would I care what your type is?!" You gripped your mug of tea.

"That is a curious question," Akechi pointed out, taking a sip of his tea. He pulled out his phone and began typing, presumably texting his coworker. "There, done. I'm a free man. Fuck them and their cases."

You were a bit surprised about the words that just came out of Akechi's mouth. You had heard him swear before, when he was on the phone, but hearing him say fuck so casually was jarring.

"Er...well, you've heard it," Akechi seemed to realize what he had said. "Yes, I swear. A lot. Hard to keep in check in public, actually." He rubbed his face. "I'm so sloppy around you."

"I think it's cute," you said.

"That's bullshit, I'm not cute," he said, his voice upset.

"Yes you are," you pushed. "Especially when I tease you."

"This is supposed to be the other way around," he groaned. He gulped down his tea and stood up. "I'm going to shower."

"Uh…" You didn't know how to respond.

"Next door in my room," Akechi clarified.

"Leaving me?" You pouted.

"I'm coming back," he scoffed. "You're so needy."

When he left, you also took the opportunity to shower and get dressed. Akechi came back soon after, fully dressed in a dress shirt and slacks. He had no tie, but his gloves were tucked into his breast pocket. His sleeves were rolled up to his forearm. His expression had softened, and his hair was a bit damp. You couldn't help but equate him to a lost puppy standing at your door.

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