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Monday, October 3. After School-Goro Akechi

Akechi had only a limited window to act. The calling card had done its job. The police were on high alert, and had been stationed around Okumura to protect and watch over him. Of course, Akechi knew this would ultimately do Okumura no good.

His day previously had been awkward acting with Asato, but really only for him. Asato, and everyone else, seemed to have completely forgotten about the other night, or they just didn't care. Either way, it made Akechi feel unusually small and helpless, but he tried to push those feelings aside so he could focus.

Akechi tailed Y/N, Hifumi, and Yusuke the moment they left school. He had texted the group chat, stating he had been called into work. He also gave a convincing "be careful kitten, I wish I was there to protect you" type of message to further the deception. He felt that depressing, horrendous feeling in his chest when Y/N believed him.


Good luck with work! I'll be safe, I promise!

Akechi looked at his phone, read the message, and felt miserable.

Goro Akechi

I know, you're getting so strong!

Akechi pocketed his phone. His face felt hot. Emotions swirled in his chest. Now was not the time to be distracted! This was…this was all a part of the plan!

The crowds were thick enough that Akechi managed to get onto the same train as Y/N without being noticed.

Think about everything you'll achieve. About how much better the world will be. How much better it will be for Y/N.

The other Phantom Thieves had gathered, preparing for the heist. Akechi watched until they all entered the palace, waited a few minutes, then entered himself. As expected, the palace was on high alert. 

He had to find Okumura, and fast.

He followed the trail to the treasure, which is normally where the palace ruler went when it was under threat. He found an elevated place to hide and watch the confrontation.

He would have normally been amused, laughed even, at the ridiculous display of palace antics. His inner turmoil was clawing at him, and watching Y/N take any sort of damage made him flinch. He had to stop himself from jumping down and protecting her. She was doing so well…he couldn't do that to her confidence. Besides…that would ruin the mission.

There was, of course, a dramatic display of Haru standing up to her father. Akechi wanted to slow clap. Another rich girl learning her father's a sleazebag. Who would have guessed. He sighed. Y /N's right…I really am an asshole.

Once the treasure was swiped, the palace was still threatening to self-destruct. Everyone was making a quick getaway, so Akechi dropped down from his hiding spot.

Okumura had started sobbing. Akechi kicked him in the back and pulled out his gun, intending to make this quick to get it the hell over with.

After School

You had lagged a considerable amount behind the others in your escape, having used your healing magic on the front liners instead of yourself for the battle. You turned around instinctively when you heard Okumura cry, and we're stunned at what you saw.


Akechi had his gun pointed at Shadow Okumura's head. He froze and looked up. The two of you made eye contact in the crumbling palace.

"Don't you see this place is falling apart?!" Akechi demanded. "Get out of here!"

"What are you doing?!" You demanded, limping over to him. The palace was beginning to shake like a bad earthquake, making it difficult to walk.

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