
307 14 23

Saturday, May 21. Morning.


You stirred. You opened your eyes to find yourself lying on Akechi's chest. During the night, the two of you had shifted your sleeping position, to the point that you were sleeping on top of him.

You gasped and pulled away from him. "Did...did we sleep like this all night?!" 

"Apparently so," Akechi said, sitting up and stretching his arms. "Ow…"

"I'm so sorry!" You cried.

"We were both tired," Akechi said, standing up. He looked at his phone. "Shit…get dressed. We have school."

"School!!" You cried, rushing to your bedroom to grab all the things you needed for a shower.

Akechi had returned from next door, fully changed and showered, before you were finished. He was sitting on your couch, scrolling posts on his phone.

"Ready to go?" You asked. 

"Yup," said Akechi, picking up his briefcase.

"So...looks like you slept on my couch again," you teased.

"Yes, but only because you fell asleep on top of me," Akechi said. "I couldn't move."

"Y-you fell asleep first!"

"It's...fine," Akechi shook his head. "Your couch is quite comfortable."

You walked outside, Akechi holding open the door for you. As you walked down the stairs, Akechi suddenly froze.

A flash of light. Your attention snapped to a group of girls who had ducked behind a vending machine. They had just taken a picture of Akechi leaving your apartment.

"Oh that's not good." Akechi muttered. 

"Not...good?" You asked.

"Keep walking, don't say anything," Akechi ordered, picking up the pace. You had to halfways run in order to keep up with his long legs.

Once you had gotten away from your apartment building and down the street, Akechi slowed his pace. You were breathing heavily.

"This is going to be all over my fan blogs," Akechi sighed. "I'm sorry. What happened at the gallery must have spread really fast."

"Aha...well, I mean, we're friends right? I mean what's so bad about them knowing that?" You said.

"Friends? Y/N are you an idiot?" Akechi laughed. "I left your apartment in the morning with you! And they have photos of it, perhaps video. They...they don't think we're friends, Y/N."

"Then what do they think we are? They don't think that you're hurting me do they?" You gasped.

"No! You…" Akechi blushed and covered his mouth with his hand. "They think we' know...sleeping...together."

"I mean technically that did happen!" You said. "Again, not wrong."

"Sex, Y/N," Akechi snapped. "They think we're having se--"

You started laughing, and an evil grin crossed your face.

"Y-you!" Akechi stammered, his face fully blushed red.

"Sorry, that was too good," you said between wheezing.

"Stop, or I'll leave you behind," Akechi ordered.

You leaned on his shoulder while you were walking, but Akechi pushed you off. "Stop, I'm serious. I don't want candid photos of us, and especially you. They exist already for me."

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