A Bath is the Best Medicine

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It was the shadiest looking clinic you had ever seen. Even when you went to get your less than legal shots, it still was on the higher end. Akechi also appeared apprehensive.

You were even more shocked by the doctor. When she walked out into the waiting room, she was dressed in punk clothing, high heels, and wore a leather collar. Her hair was short and black, cut in a flattering hairstyle, yet she had an air of weariness.

"Oh, my little guinea-pig!" She smiled when she saw Ren. She stopped and looked directly at Akechi. "Oh…and what's a big-shot like you doing in my little clinic?"

Akechi said nothing and looked helplessly at Ren. You were hidden behind Akechi.

"We've got…uh…well…just don't ask questions," Ren said, rubbing the back of his neck. 

The doctor raised her eyebrows. "She pregnant?"

"Why does everyone jump to that?!" Akechi blurted out. "She was kidnapped and drugged, she just needs a checkup!"

"Whoa, whoa, relax," the doctor said. She flicked her head towards the back. "Come with me."

The three of you followed her to the examination room, where she took a seat. "So are you gonna explain what's going on? Wait…no…maybe that's not a good idea."

"These are my friends, and they're in just as much trouble as me," Ren explained. He removed the hoodie he was wearing, and the doctor gasped.

"Oh my god! What happened to you?!" She showed genuine concern, breaking her cool exterior.

"I'm okay, Takemi-san, really," Ren assured her.

"No way, off with your shirt," said Takemi. "I'm checking you for broken bones. I'll get to you two, take a seat and wait."

You and Akechi sat in folding chairs near the examination table. Ren's injuries were more apparent to you with his shirt removed. Dark purple bruises were on his ribs and stomach. He had to have been kicked while he was down. It made you sick.

"Nothing feels broken, but I think a few of your ribs might be cracked," Takemi said with some concern. "I don't have any fancy machines here, so I'd recommend you go to a hospital to get a scan to check for internal damage. But if everything has been functioning fine for you, I doubt that's the case." She quickly checked his vitals and listened to his breathing. "I don't hear anything unusual either. Take it easy and don't do anything too crazy until you've healed. And for the pain…I'll give you some of the good stuff."

Ren grinned.

"Okay, next patient," said Takemi after Ren hopped off the table. "You gonna let me examine you, pretty boy?"

"I don't need any examination, thanks," said Akechi sourly. "It's my girlfriend who needs it."

You stood up and shyly approached the table to sit down.

"Oo nice collar," said Takemi. 

"My boyfriend gave it to me," you blushed.

"Did he, now? Well, your boyfriend visits naughty websites," Takemi teased. "That's an expensive little kitten collar."

"You…" Akechi turned bright red.

"What, you're the one making her wear it, aren't you?" Takemi continued in a teasing tone. "You should have expected someone to recognize the brand name eventually." She started taking your vitals. "Oh…you've got a bit of a fever."

"That explains the headache…" You sighed.

"Okay, off with your shirt," said Takemi.

Akechi immediately got defensive. "Hold on! Not in front of Ren!"

The Aeon ArcanaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang