Tell Me Your Destiny and Lies

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Friday, June 24. After School.

Today was the day. Yusuke seemed a bit anxious, and the Phantom Thieves group chat was lively. Your leg was feeling a bit better than the last couple of days, and even though Akechi the night before had talked big, he was actually fairly gentle with you. Yusuke and Hifumi walked with you to the gate, Yusuke intending to walk with you to the Hideout.

"That's new," remarked Hifumi. "But why the bell? It looks expensive though."

You touched the collar you were wearing. "Oh! Uh…I guess I thought it was cute."

"Where in the world did you get it?" Hifumi asked. "Is that real silver?"

"Yyyup," you blushed.

"So he finally collared and leashed you," said Yusuke.

"You don't have to say it out loud!!" You cried.

"Why, I just assumed–"


Mamori had sprinted up to your group. "Can we meet up tonight?"

Yusuke's expression made you choke back a laugh. You had only seen him have this level of disgust for artwork in poor taste. "Who are you?" 

Mamori looked like he was trying to figure something out while meeting eyes with Yusuke. He finally grinned, something clicking. "Oh! You're Madarame's former student. Kitagawa-san, right?"

"Yes," Yusuke said coldly. "What do you need with Y/N?"

"She agreed to tutor me," explained Mamori. "Wow! So do you have two boyfriends? Not to judge or anything, if you're into–"

"I could never!" Yusuke gasped. "Are those sort of rumors going around? Their love is like a blooming cherry tree, with roots solidified in the tragic deaths of lovers who preceded them." Yusuke posed dramatically and seemed a bit too passionate about this. "It would be a heinous crime to interfere with such tragic beauty!"

Mamori blinked. He looked like he was trying to say something polite, but he was blanking.

"No, I'm just dating one," you said coldly. "And one only. I can have friends who aren't girls."

"I didn't…sorry, I just meant it because of the rumors," said Mamori, rubbing the back of his neck. "So about tonight–"

"I'm sorry," you said. "Look, I don't mind personally but, my boyfriend is…jealous."

"Jealous is an understatement," Hifumi said bluntly.

"Sometimes I think he's not…sane," said Yusuke.

"Unless you want him there glaring at you while I'm trying to teach you," and not to mention probably getting handsy with me the entire time, " then I don't think it's a good idea. The library is probably the best place."

Mamori looked a bit disappointed, but he seemed to understand. "Okay, L/N-chan. Well…uh…actually, maybe we could–"

"Y/N! Are you ready to go?"

Akechi approached the open school gate, a pleasant smile on his face. Hifumi immediately bolted from the situation, and you didn't blame her in the slightest.

"Goro! You're here?" You said, a bit nervously.

"Naturally, our schools are right next to each other and we have a previous engagement…but um…who's this?" Akechi had approached you and was standing in close proximity to you, but he hadn't touched you.

Mamori looked a bit nervous. "Oh, uh, Rei Mamori! Sorry, um…"

Is he nervous because of me…or is he Akechi's fan?!

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