Chapter 38

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Layla's POV

3 months later.

The twins are starting to hold their heads up better and are cooing a lot. Connor has had his men searching for Nora and Jedediah constantly, but there hasn't been any new leads. Unfortunately we aren't getting anywhere productive.

Nothing has really been happening around here so Connor decided it would be a good idea to go camping. Why camping, I have no clue but if Connor thinks it's a good idea then I'll go along with it.

I pack a bunch of extra clothes, diapers, wipes, toys, snacks, and blankets and put them in the RV. After that I pack a small diaper bag filled with the necessities. Connor already put Noah and Naomi in the jeep, so all that's left to do is get in my self.

Before we could go to our camp site, we had to stop at the grocery store, to get food for the week. Connor ran in for me knowing how long I take and that he didn't want to be stuck in the car with the twins if they started to cry.

So now we've been on the road for about an dhour and we still have another three to go. Thankfully the twins have been sleeping most of the ride, but I'm sure within the next hour they will wake up and want me to feed them. So all I can do now is sleep.

Connor's POV

About two or three hours ago Layla fell asleep, and thankfully so did the twins. I'm glad Layla can finally sleep but the wild flowers along the road are so pretty, I'm sure Layla would love them.

I put my turn signal on and turn into a dirt road. We should be at the camp site in about ten minutes, so I'm debating wether or not to wake Layla up so she can be ready to get out, or if I should just let her sleep.

By the time I decide to wake her up we are already there. I guess I just got lost in my thoughts. I back the trailer into the back spot so that there is forest on two sides of the RV and then get out to unhook it from the jeep. When I get back in the jeep Layla is already awake.

"Morning beautiful. Did you have a nice nap?"

"Yes, right up until you decided to slam your car door and wake me up."

"Sorry." I say knowing I'm going to pay for it later.

After parking the jeep, Layla and I get out with the twins still in their car seats and set them in the camper. Next we bring in all the food and put it in the fridge and cabinets.

When I first bought the camper it had a back area with two sets of bunk beds, a kitchen area, a small bathroom, a dining room/ living room area, and finally a queen bed at the front end of the camper.

However, because we have the twins I decided to modify the camper so that we would have more room. Instead of the bunk beds being where they were, I made them so that we could take them out and put pack n' plays in their spot. Just until the twins got older.

So we took the twins out of their car seats, changed them, fed them, and then put them back to bed in their new room for the next week. With the twins asleep I thought it would be a good time to start a fire, so I walked out side to the fire pit and built a small fire that would last for a few hours. I grabbed two lawn chairs and set them on the opposite side from the smoke.

Just then Layla walked out with a Smore's kit in hand. And so we sat their in a comfortable silence, roasting marshmallows, and eating Smore's in each other's company. I could get used to this.

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