Chapter 6

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Layla POV

I wake up to a blinding light in my room. Not ready to face the day, I crawl deeper into my covers. I'm about to fall back asleep when to my surprise, my sheets and blankets are ripped off my bed.

"Hey!" I shout in protest, before I realize who it is. "Oh, hey. What are you doing here?"

"I just came to spend the day with my favorite person in the whole world. Speaking of them, have you seen your Aunt anywhere?" I give Chris a glare, and reach for my phone.

"OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!" I scream.

Chris stumbles backward. "Was that pay back? Cause' I'm pretty sure I'm def now."

"No, pay back is still coming your way. Ruth just texted me, she's going to the doctor today to find out the gender of her baby!" I reply.

I put on my robe and head into my bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Chris questions.

"I'm going to take a shower." I say as I close the door and lock it behind me.

"Can I come take one with you?" Chris pleads. I can even imagine his puppy dog face. Who can say no to that face? I can.

"Nope. Not going to happen."


Chris POV

As much as I like Layla, I would still rather live than be cut into pieces by her aunt and dad. So I told Isabel I would do her plan. I just hope I can pull it off, if not I am going to get in so much trouble. With most girls it would be a price of cake, but Layla is very stubborn. So I might have to take the hard way. I just hope the drug works.

While I wait for Layla to get out of the shower, I set up a blanket on her floor, as well as put a movie in the DVD player. I go down stairs and grab some snacks. As I pass Isabel's room, I give her the thumbs up. Then I head up the stairs to Layla's room.

If I know Layla correctly she will come out in 3, 2, 1...


Will Chris be able to pull it off?

What does her dad have planned for her and her baby?

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