Chapter 30

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Aunt Isabel's POV

This ruins the whole plan!!! Layla now knows she had a baby girl. I can't avoid this. The only thing left to do is pray that there might be another girl still inside her. There is still a possibility because the doctors never notices that Layla was in fact carrying three babies the whole time. However I do not know the gender of the third baby. So there is still some hope.

Once we get to the hospital Layla is rushed to the OR to try and save the remaining babies. Only one person is allowed in so I go in.

The doctors make a cut in her lower abdomen and try to fish out the babies. The first one they pull is a girl. Perfect!!! All I need to do is make sure Layla doesn't find out about this one.

The last baby out is a boy. He looks so much like Connor. Poor Layla, she thinks her mate used her. However that is not the case. If he didn't say that Layla would be harmed as well as the babies. I don't need a snoopy pup trying to ruin my brothers plan. Layla doesn't need to know about this child. She has the other one.

They take the boy to the NICU but not the girl. She is fine and is ready to be discharged which is perfect cause I can take her right to her new dad.

Layla is still asleep when I leave the hospital, so my get away is easy. My flight is already scheduled and I have an extra diaper bag in my trunk. Next stop air port. Goodbye my sweet niece and hello brother.

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