Chapter 23

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Layla POV

After I finish my food Connor leads me out the door and down a hall way. This place is so big I'm sure I will get lost, once I can actually see again. This place is massive.

After 10 minutes of walking up an down countless stairs and hallways, we finally get to the doctors office, which is inside the pack house, by the way. We walk in and we take a seat waiting for our turn to be called back. u till just now, I haven't realized how fat I really am.

"You are not fat, you are pregnant." Connor says through my mind.

"Wait a minute. Did you mark me?!?!" I ask through my mind so no one else could hear our conversation.

"Yes I did." he says proudly. I give him the look and he scoots over. He knows I'm not too happy.

"Yes, but only because if I didn't you wouldn't have woken up, and you probably would have died." I look over at him, then relax a little, he is telling the truth.

"Alpha and Luna, this way please."

"Wait did she just call me Luna?" I ask Connor. He just looks over at me and smiles. Oh he is in so much trouble, I think as we stand up and follow the dr.

"Hello, I am Dr. Strunk and I will be helping you today. So the first thing I need you to do is pick out some glasses so we can get the right lens put in." She says kindly.

Connor and I walk over to the rack and pick some out. I end up getting a brown and green pair, as well as a light purple pair.

After the assistant takes the frames, she comes back with the lens' in. I put on the brown and green pair, and put the purple ones in a case, and give them to Connor.

Then we head into an ultrasound room. I lay down on the table and lift up my shirt.

"Okay so would you like to find out the babies' genders?"

"Yes please." Connor replies. I just look at him but he says nothing.

"Okay so this is going to be a little cold but it will warm up soon." The dr says as she squeezes some cold gooey stuff on my stomach. Time to find out what's going on inside of me.

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