Chapter 21

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Layla POV

Everything is dark, my head is pounding and everything I hear is slurred and muffled, but I feel comfortable. Not in the sense that the bed that I'm on is soft, although it is, but more like I feel someone here with me, and it's the best feeling in the world.

"Layla honey, please wake up. If you don't the babies won't make it."

And with that said I sat strait up, and opened my eyes. It is dark out side and dim in the room I am in. Everything is blurry, and I can only make out the outline of one person.

"Connor?" I ask softly.

"I'm here honey. I'm right here and I won't leave you ever again."

I start crying, because of three things.
1) He's finally here and I can be with him again.
2) I can't see anything, even when I wipe my eyes, everything is still blurred
3) I think he said I'm pregnant.

"Connor what is going on. you have a lot to explain." I try to say in between sobs.

"Your in my room, at my house, about 20 minutes from where you are living with your aunt. My sister went to pick you up, and scared you so you fell and hurt yourself, badly. You've been in a comma for about a month, and while you were in your comma we found some stuff out."

"I've been out for a month?!" I exclaim.

"Yes, and you also need glasses. On top of it all you're pregnant with twins."

All I could do is stare at the blurry spots, and break down in tears yet again. Connor pulled me close to him and comforted me while I cried.

"Shhh, baby doll it's okay. Here just sleep and we can talk when you wake up." Connor says as he slowly lays me back onto his bed. He tucks me in and starts to walk away.

"No stay, please." I try to say, but my voice cracks half way through the sentence.

"Shhh sleep." Connor speaks softly, as he gets undressed and comes in bed with me.

With out removing any of the wires from me, I carefully turn over and cuddle into him. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. I finally feel at peace.

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