Chapter 22

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When I wake up, the next morning, I try to remember everything that happened. I place my hand where Connor is supposed to be, but he's not there.

"This better not be a joke." Megan says to me. She seems very annoyed.

"Connor." I shout, worried that all of last night was a dream. Then I hear foot steps come bounding up the stairs.
One of the doors swings open, which I'm guessing leads to the hallway. Connor shuts the door, walks over to me, grabs my hand and then sits on the bed.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I woke up, couldn't see, and you weren't here. Why do you think I called you?"

"Good point. Well we need to take you down stairs to the pack doctor, and I wasn't here cause I was making you breakfast. So I will leave now to go get that for you."

Connor isn't gone for even 5 minutes before two girls walk into the room.

"Hey Layla, long time no see."

"Jillian? What are you doing here? Wait that is you right?"

"Yes, I'm Connor's twin."

"Oh, that explains the resemblance. And who else is here I can't see anything."

"Oh ya, that's right I forgot. This is our younger sister, Clara."

"Hi." she says it like she hates me, and I'm sure she's already glaring at me, but I can't see, so I wouldn't know.

"Layla I'm back with your breakfast... and why are you two in here?" Connor asks

"We were just coming in to say hi." I'm pretty sure Jillian said.

"Well Layla needs to eat, and then we have to go to Dr. Strunk's office. So we will meet up with you after that."

"Sounds like a plan." Jillian exclaims, Clara just stands there sighing and being annoyed.

After the girls exit the room, and I dig into the food Connor has prepared for me. It's the best food I've had in years!He'll be a great mate, I can already tell.

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