Chapter 25

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Connor POV

I never fell asleep when Layla and I laid down. There was something going on that made my wolf uneasy. I mind linked my beta Nate.

"What's going on. Something seems off."

"Boarder control isn't responding."

"Get me one of the small planes on the roof ready to fly in ten minutes."

"Yes alpha."

Why do bad things always have to happen when something good is going on.

"Connor, you seem uneasy. What's going on?" My beautiful mate asks me.

"We are being surrounded. So I need you to leave with Jillian and your aunt to protect the babies. You are leaving in 10 minutes. One of the maids already packed a couple bags for you and they are being loaded into the plane right now." She looks so scared and it hurts me to have to make her leave but it's the best thing right now.

"Will you be alright? I can't live with out you, nor can I raise two babies by myself."

"I will be fine but you need to go. I don't want you getting hurt." With that said I pulled her close to me and kissed her. I just wanted to stay there forever. Tingles fill my whole body, like an amazing fire work show. I never wanted it to end.

Layla POV

"I will be fine but you need to go. I don't want you getting hurt." Connor said with tears in his eyes. I don't even think he knew he was crying but if he did he didn't care.

Then he pulled me as close as he could get to me with my fat stomach and kissed me. Fireworks are the only way to explain the feeling he gave me.

We stood there for a couple minutes just being with each other, in the moment. I never want to leave him, but like Connor said, I have to protect our babies.

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