Chapter 35

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Connor's POV

I am finally flying in today. I had to wait three days before everything could be set up. Rebecca insisted that I stay at her house for a few days before we fly over to Layla's house. So for the past couple days I've been taking care of Noah. He is perfect, I can't imagine what Naomi looks like in person. Of course I've seen some photos of her that Rebecca took, but when she's in my arms it's just that much more special.

I carefully place Noah in his car seat, and strap him in. I place a blanket over top of him, because it's still a little chilly out side. Making sure I have everything packed in his diaper bag, I pick up his car seat and we walk out side and onto our private jet.

It took us an hour but we finally arrived at Layla's house. I can't wait to see her, it's been a month! After grabbing Noah's car seat and diaper bag, I slowly walk down the steps, careful not to trip. Once I reach the bottom I look up and see the most beautiful girl in the world. I place Noah down and make my way over to Layla.

We run into each others arms, and I hold her so tight, I never want to leave her again.


Layla POV.

It has been three days since I talked to Connor, and he is scheduled to fly here this morning. Thankfully I was able to take a shower and drink some coffee before Naomi woke up.

I decided when I was feeding her, that I would dress her up to see her dad for the first time. So we headed up to her room and looked in her closet. I find a cute pink and purple dress with matching hair bow. It is perfect.

Once I finished dressing Naomi I got a text from my mom saying that they were about to land. So I scooped up my princess and made my way down the steps towards the landing platform.

Ruth came out with me for support, which I was very thankful for. The jet lands and I just stand there, watching, waiting for something to happen. Just then the door opened. Connor came down the steps holding a baby carrier and a diaper bag very slowly. Each second felt like an hour.

I handed Naomi to Ruth and started walking towards Connor. He set the car seat and diaper bag down, and then we ran to each other. I couldn't hold back the tears, they just kept coming. Being without Connor for a month was far too long.

"Layla, I am so sorry. I will never leave you or the kids again. I love you so much, and I am so sorry. " Connor whispers. All I could do was nod. We walked in side and put the babies to bed because they were getting fussy.

"Looks like it's just us now." Connor says with a smirk on his face.

"Ya I guess it is. I'm tired, can we go take a nap?"

"Anything for you sweetheart."


Hey guys I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating. I've had serious writers block and haven't been able to write anything. I had to force myself this morning to write it, so I made sure to try and make it a little longer. I hope you guys like it.

The book is coming to a close and I am planning on writing a second book but we will have to see what happens.

Thanks to everyone who is reading this. Please comment and vote.

Thanks guys.

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