Chapter 36

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Jedediah POV

Why won't this baby shut up? Ever since my aunt brought her here I've been trying to avoid my niece, but unfortunately Isabel had to go on a "business trip". So now I'm stuck here with a screaming child.

I don't know the first thing to do when it comes to taking care of a baby. I would get my mom's help but she doesn't know about this yet, and she is already helping Layla take care of her son. It would be so much better to have a women's help.

My aunt still thinks I'm my father, my mother thinks I'm dead, and Layla doesn't know about me. However I think her silly mate, Carter or was it Gunner? Oh well it really doesn't matter. I think he figured out I'm not her dad, so Layla probably knows by now.

Before Ruth was raped I lived with my mom, who ran away with me when she found out my father was a little off. It all started when my dad decided he wanted to be in my life again. I decided to give him a chance. I would stay with him every weekend, and Layla would go to my aunt's house.

Flash back

It was a normal Friday night, and I got ready to go to a party. I knew Layla wouldn't be there so nothing could go wrong. Or so I thought.

Once I got to the party I went over to the bar and chugged two beers down. My friends weren't come over till later so I decided to find a girl and dance. That's when I saw Ruth. Of Course I didn't know she was Layla's friend, so he was fair game. We danced for a little bit before I took her upstairs.

She was so drunk she didn't know what was going on until after everything happened. The next morning she came knocking on the door and my dad told me to go get it. She kept calling me Mr. Jones, thinking I was my dad, and saying that I raped her. She told Layla later that day and my dad sent me home early.

Layla and my dad were always pretty close until that happened. After the party she wanted nothing to do with my dad. He was heart broken, and ended up committing suicide. I'm the only one who knew. My mom thought I was the one who died, so I've been posing as my dad.

Layla was the one who took my dad from me, so I took her kid from her. I plan on taking the other two very soon. I'll make Layla suffer just as I did, then my mom and aunt.


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And thanks for reading my book.

Can't wait to finish it.

Only a couple more chapters left!

Thanks again guys!

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