Chapter 18

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After hopping on the first plane I could get to Vermont, and sitting on the plane forever, I finally got to Ruthy, and just in time. Within the next hour, after I got there, she had her baby. It was a girl obviously. She named her Karis Joy. She is the cutest thing in the whole world.

"Ruthy she is beautiful. She looks just like you!"

"Thanks Layla. I can't wait to dress her up and take her places. It's so exiting."

"And as soon as I'm allowed I will move in with you and help take care of Karis."

"That would be awesome but I need to find my mate, and you need to get back together with yours."

"We are together, but we are just separated by many miles."

For the next two weeks I stayed with Ruth at her apartment with Karis. I helped set up the nursery, and we took turns getting up for Karis. But unfortunately those short two weeks went by too fast, and I had to leave my two favorite people in the world, besides Connor.


When I get back from my trip, I am so tired, I just flop on my bed and fall asleep. In fact I was so tired that I slept for a day.

When I finally got up and was ready to begin my life. School already started, and I was behind a week in school work. So I decided to take some cyber courses. English and history, to be specific. I only had to go to school for 5 hours. And then the last two periods of the day, were spent in my bed room.

I liked it in there quiet peaceful, but today is a different story. As I work on my English essay, I hear a rock hit my window. It must be a rock, I tell Megan.

"No it's not. It's our mate!" Megan yells at me.

"No it can't be. He's with his pack where ever they are."

"You're right. And the pack is here, so he is here."

"I've been in this town for a month and I haven't seen him once." I argue back.

"That's because he's an alpha. They're always busy." she exclaims in my head.

"He would have found us. He knows our scent." I tell myself more than Megan. I can't seem to wrap my head around this. Then another pebble is thrown into my window, but this time it makes it through the crack.

"That's because your aunt changed you're scent. I can't believe you didn't notice it before. Now it finally returned to normal, and Connor has found you. Look in the note."

"What note." I stop, look at the rock, and to my surprise there is a note attached to the rock. I slowly reach for it and take off the rubber band securing it to the rock. Slowly I open the note and read what it has to say.

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