Chapter 37

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Layla POV

"So you're saying I'm an aunt?!?" I yell at Connor. I guess I'm over reacting but this is big news. Before I just thought that Karis was my half sister but to find out she's really my niece it's almost unbelievable.

"Layla I have some more news. You better sit down, and set the babies in their cribs." Connor says to me. He looks a little on edge, and worried. I get up and walk into Naomi and Noah's room, then carefully set the twins down next to each other.

Looking at my babies sleeping I can't help but smile. I thought once I got Connor and had the babies I would feel complete but something is missing, and I can't put a finger on what it is.

I make my way back to my room thinking about what Connor has to tell me. I hope it isn't too bad. Connor motions to me to sit next to him, so I do.

"I wanted to see the babies be born but since Naomi was born here I wasn't able to see her be born. However I called the hospital and it turned out that they have video cameras in the OR and they are always on. So I asked if I could see the one where Noah was born and so they let me."

"Connor where are you going with this." I ask him worried.

"You had another baby girl before Noah." Connor continues to tell me everything that happened and then has me watch the video after.

"Ok so your telling me I had triplets. Naomi at home, Nora in the hospital and then Noah. My aunt took Nora as soon as she was released but left me with Naomi and Noah, and gave my precious baby girl to my dad who is actually my brother. This is messed up." I finally finish.

"Yep, that sums it up. Oh and Naomi and Nora are identical twins."

"Great just great. So how are we going to get my baby back?"

"Right now, we can't. No one knows where Jedediah is. I already have my trackers looking and I've contacted all the alphas in the country on the look out. the best thing to do right now would probably to keep you and Ruth in separate houses as well as having guards and cameras around and in the house, until he is found."

"We will get him Layla, I promise. I love you too much, to let him get away."

"I love you too Connor." He kisses the top of my head and lays us down. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. Shortly after my eyes feel heavy and I fall asleep.

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