Chapter 33

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Layla POV

Once the nurse leaves I hold my baby close to me, scared that if I let go he will disappear. I hear a soft knock on the door.

"Come in." I speak softy

"Hey Layla, how are you feeling?"

"Oh my goodness! Ruth when did you get here?"

"Well I'm not sure if you remember or not but I came in right before you fainted at the house."

"Oh ya sorry about that."

"It's fine. I brought some little girls here to see you." She says with a big smile on her face, as she brings over two car seats. In one is Karis and in the other is my beautiful baby girl, Naomi.

Ruth takes out Naomi for me since I'm holding Noah in my other arm, and I can't move around with his tubes in. She gently places my little girl into my arms. They are so cute together.

As soon as Jillian leaves a nurse walks in. If I didn't no better I'd say she was my mother, but she died years ago. She had the same everything, the only difference was her name.

"Layla, do you remember me? I know it's been years, so it wouldn't surprise me if you didn't."

"I'm sorry, no, I don't."

"I'm your mom."


Okay so as much as I want to leave you guys hanging here, the chapter is too short so I'm continuing it.


Layla POV

"Mom? No that's impossible, you died in a car crash. We had a funeral and we and we, we..." I couldn't get it out of my mouth, I could barely breath.

"Shhh, honey I'm right here. I'm sorry I had to get away from your dad and I tried to take you with me, but I think your aunt had suspicions so she took you with her the day I was going to get away. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay you're here now. Can you do me a favor?"

"Of course, anything for my baby girl."

"I need you to take Noah. I can't deal with him, he's a constant reminded of Connor. Just for a few months to a year or two. I need to find out what's going on with Connor before I can have Noah safe with me."

"Okay I'll do it. Plus I'll get some extra quality time with my grandson."

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