Just as Chi Shuo was thinking all sorts of nonsense, Ye Shaoyang suddenly turned around. Their eyes met.

Chi Shuo's heart abruptly skipped a beat. When Ye Shaoyang discovered Captain Chi was looking at him, he simply smiled at Chi Shuo and took the initiative to open his arms and give Chi Shuo a big hug.

Chi Shuo was silent.

Ye Shaoyang earnestly said, “Thank you for the two MVP titles, Captain Chi!”

Chi Shuo's heart was beating at unreasonable speeds. It was the first time an omega had taken the initiative to hug him. The faint scent of shower gel clung to Ye Shaoyang, making it so that his pheromones weren't quite the same as what Chi Shuo remembered—but they were very alluring all the same.

Chi Shuo was teased to the brink of losing his composure. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Ye Shaoyang release him and turn to hug Cheng Xing.

“Little Xing, you didn't even die once today!”

Cheng Xing excitedly gave his teammates a thumbs up. “My Yang-ge is awesome!”

Then, Ye Shaoyang went to hug Qu Jiang. “Thank you, Jiang. Your Blazing Angel is way too sick.”

Qu Jiang smiled faintly and said, “You're the one who's sick, giving our opponents flowers like crazy. I bet CYC will be psychologically scarred after this.”

Qin Yizhu laughed from the side as well. “Here's a flower for you, no need for thanks. Hahaha, what a cruel hero!”

Chi Shuo fell silent.

He had been overthinking things.

This was just the sort of encouraging hug players gave each other after a match. Ye Shaoyang had a very strong sense of propriety. He wasn't doing anything outrageously intimate; he was purely giving quick hugs and congratulatory pats on the shoulders.

Even if everyone in the crowd saw it, there was nothing significant about an omega player hugging alpha players like this. Ye Shaoyang's hugs were quick and perfunctory, after all. Just the type of encouragement shared between 'good teammates'.

However, when Chi Shuo had been lightly embraced by Ye Shaoyang…

Chi Shuo had nearly lost control and lifted his own arms. He'd nearly wrapped Ye Shaoyang up in a tight, unrelenting embrace.

That urge had most likely been stirred up by the possessiveness that the mark made him feel, right?

Chi Shuo took deep breaths to calm his racing heart. He stood and mildly said, “Let's go. We need to shake hands with our opponents.”

Chi Shuo led the team over to CYC's soundproofed room, where they shook hands with the other players. This was a basic courtesy after matches. When CYC's captain shook hands with Ye Shaoyang, he couldn't help but joke, “Thank you for the flowers!”

Ye Shaoyang said, “You're welcome. If you'd like, I'll gift you another bouquet?”

CYC's players were speechless.

No, better not. We're scared of having nightmares tonight!

After bowing to the applauding crowd, Tianhuan's players finally left the stage.

Originally, the post-game interview was supposed to feature Ye Shaoyang again. But Ye Shaoyang had been interviewed after their previous two matches, and he didn't want to be the only one to stand in the spotlight, so he suggested having the coach take the post-game interview. Thus, Coach Lin was the one who showed up in front of the interview cameras.

“Let's give a warm welcome to Tianhuan's Coach Lin!”

“Hello, everyone.” Lin Feng could finally stand proud in front of the cameras. His smile was more dazzling than usual.

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