Chapter 83

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"Are you sure this will work Jotaro? You don't think he's just gonna attack us right?" I ask, worried what Giorno might do.

"Everything will be fine." He reassures both Nori and I.

Our car pulls up outside a large and beautiful looking house in the middle of nowhere. We step out, breathing in the fresh air. Maybe coming back to Italy won't be so bad.

"Are you Jotaro Kujo, Y/N Kakyoin and Noriaki Kakyoin?" A man walks out of the building. He seems to be wearing a matching blue and red outfit consisting of jeans, a sweater and a hat. Interesting clothing choice.

"Yes we are. Who are you?" I ask, closing the car door behind me.

The man walks towards us with a small smile. He holds out his hand for us to shake one by one.

"My name's Guido Mista. I've heard all about your travels and I've read your book Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet you." Mista smiles once again.

It's strange to think that so many people have read my book yet, only other Stand users actually believe our story.

"It's lovely to meet you too." I politely smile as Mista leads us into the house.

"Right this way. Giorno is waiting for you in his office. We've been expecting you." Mista laughs a little bit.

Nori sticks close beside me, probably just in case anything bad happens. But despite me never meeting Mista and Giorno before, I trust them. After all, they did take down Diavolo.

Mista knocks on a door across from us. The knock is obnoxiously loud which makes me chuckle under my breath.

"Um... Giorno? They're here."

A soft voice replies from behind the door and Mista nods, opening the door for us. He steps to the side and allows us to enter the room.

A man with long blonde hair is facing the wall behind him. He stays facing the wall until the door is fully closed behind us.

"Thank you Mista. Please... have a seat." The man turns around and gestures for Nori, Jotaro and I to sit down.

Well if you couldn't tell Giorno is Dio's son before, you sure can now. It's as clear as day that they are related by blood.

"I'm sure you already know but my name is Giorno Giovana. The three of you requested to talk to me. Am I correct?" Giorno asks.

"Yes that's right. We wanted to talk to you about your father." Jotaro says.

Getting straight to the point as always I see?

"What about him? How would you even know him?" Giorno sits across from us, intrigued by my brothers statement.

"No... your real father. His name was Dio Brando. Ring any bells?" Jotaro asks.

Giorno sits back in his chair with wide eyes. I notice that his fists are clenched but he seems to keep his poker face.

"What about him? I never had any contact with that man so why do you intend on bringing him up in this conversation. If that's all you came here for then I will be of no use to you." Giorno stares at us.

Beside me, I feel Nori tense up. Honestly, I don't blame him. Dio put us through so much so who knows what Giorno can do.

"Giorno... We killed Dio Brando. We killed your biological father."


"What are you thinking?!" Nori exclaims as we turn to Giorno.

His face darkens. I can tell he feels threatened. But we can't engage in a fight. This isn't why we are here.

Suddenly, Giorno brings out his Stand, walking towards us dangerously slow. His Stand is fully golden and has the Stand arrow pattern on its head. So he does have the requiem ability?

"Have you come here to kill me too? Is that what you want? If so, I won't hesitate to protect myself and the others living here." Giorno glares at us.

"Giorno, you are mistaken. Dio was a terrible man who did unspeakable things. He affected all of our lives. We aren't here to kill you... we just think you have the right to know about him since you're his biological son." I sigh, hoping that he will calm down.

He does seem to believe my words though and his Stand disappears. Giorno sighs and sits back down across from us.

"Okay... I trust you. I don't really know much about him so please... enlighten me. But if you think I'm going to turn out like him, I can assure you I'm not. I fight for what I believe is right. I believe in a world full of peace." Giorno sighs looking out the open window.

"Thank you Giorno. We can promise you that we mean no harm upon you or anyone else. We just think you have the right to know about your real father." Nori says.

The blonde haired man nods his head, waiting for us to start explaining. Jotaro does most of the talking, explaining about everything that happened.

The blonde haired man listens intently, slightly nodding his head and widening his eyes as Jotaro finally finishes the explanation of our Joestar family history.

"I'm sorry you all had to go through that. But I promise I'm nothing like him. Thank you... for telling me about him. I would also like to apologise for my aggressive behaviour when we first met. May I suggest we introduce ourselves and start over?" Giorno slightly smiles, looking at a photo on the shelf beside him.

The photo is of a group of people including Giorno. They must have been important to him. I'm guessing that some of them are no longer in our world.

"Of course. My name is Y/N Kakyoin. It's a pleasure to meet you." I smile, shaking his hand.

"Noriaki Kakyoin."

"Jotaro Kujo."

"My name is Giorno Giovana. Welcome to the house of Passione."

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