Chapter 28

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God knows how long we've been out here. I swear this desert is getting hotter but I'm probably just imagining it.

"Strange... I can't help but feel like we're being watched..." Kakyoin says behind me.

"Yeah me too." I agree, looking behind us only to see nothing there.

"Don't you think you're being paranoid? We're cleaning up our tracks with these palm leaves. We can see for dozens of kilometres in all directions. We'll know if someone is watching." Polnareff shakes his head and I turn back around.

I try to ignore the feeling, leaning back into Kakyoin as I feel my body getting tired from the heat.

Jotaro pulls out a pair of binoculars and looks around to try find something. But what's odd is that there is nothing out of the ordinary.

"Hey, let's get going. We'll put up a tent once the sun sets." Polnareff pulls out a small thermometer of some kind.

"Its blazing out here! Look, it's 50 degrees celsius!" Polnareff exclaims.

How can it be that hot? Surely something is wrong. I feel... dizzy.

"Jotaro! What time does your watch say?" Grandpa Joseph turns to my brother who looks at his watch.


How? What? Am I going insane or does it keep getting hotter? None of this makes any sense. I feel like I'm going to melt.

"We... we might have lost track of time but... what's going on? It's past eight o'clock at night!"

We all gasp simultaneously, looking around for any possible explanation.

"Uh... guys, the sun isn't setting and it keeps... it keeps getting hotter." I try to stay focused.

Panic begins to set in as we look up at where the sun is positioned in the sky. The huge sun keeps burning and shows no sign of it going down.

"The sum is rising in the west! The entire sun is... A Stand!"

I feel my vision become blurry and I try my hardest to stay focused. Well... a little nap can't hurt, right? I close my eyes and begin to fall from the side of the camel but once again, a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Y/N are you alright!? Y/N... Mr Joestar she's loosing consciousness! We have to figure out what is going on and fast!" Kak holds onto me as he jumps off the camel and lays me in his arms.

I somehow fight the urge to sleep, looking up through blurred vision as Kakyoin looks down at me, keeping a firm grip.

"I won't let you go, I promise. Just hang in there. I've got you..."

I smile, leaning into his touch knowing that I'm safe. But all I can really do is listen as the others try to figure out what's happening.

Kakyoin sends out Heirophant Green to search for the Stand user but finds nothing.

"20 meters... 40 meters... 60 meters... 80 meters... 100..." Kakyoin counts but suddenly stops.

"Somethings wrong! Kakyoin, bring back your Heirophant!" Jotaro orders.

"It's going to do something!"

"Before it does, Emerald Sp-"

The Sun sends flares out towards Kakyoin's Stand, deflecting his attack, cutting Kakyoin instead.

"N-Nori..." I whisper, looking up at him as he still holds onto me despite being injured.

Jotaro calls for Star Platinum, punching a hole in the ground for us all to hide in. Kakyoin carries me inside, still holding onto me.

"Noriaki... are you feeling okay?" I ask him, feeling a tiny bit better now that I'm in the shade.

"Yes... I got off a little of the Emerald Splash. That deflected the ones that were coming right at me, so I'm not hurt too badly. B-but it's so hot... I feel like I'm going to go insane." He pants deeply.

The five of us continue to breathe heavily, waiting to hopefully find the Stand user before we die from the heat.

Grandpa Joseph uses the binoculars to try scout the land but the Sun sends out a flare once again, breaking the binoculars into pieces.

"Son of a bitch! Where are they?! How are they watching us? Is the Stand user the invisible man or something?!" Grandpa Joseph exclaims with anger.

Kakyoin, who still has me in his arms, begins to laugh. His laugh starts off quite quiet but gradually gets louder. Then... Jotaro begins to laugh too. That's odd behaviour for him. But soon enough, Polnareff joins in too.

"Oh my god! They've gone completely insane! Don't tell me we're the only ones still sane!" Grandpa Joseph looks at me with wide eyes.

Kakyoin gently places his fingers under my chin and moves my head slightly to look at a rock. No. Two identical rocks.

Now I see it.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Oh my god!"

I begin laughing along with the others, finally seeing the stupid mistake of the Stand user.

"No, we're not crazy Joseph. Look at that rock over there. It's big enough for someone to hide behind it, right?" Kakyoin points out.

We all calm down and Jotaro summons Star Platinum who picks up a rock, launching it towards the identical rock in the distance. An invisible barrier breaks and Grandpa Joseph turns his attention to that.

Slowly, we leave the small area we are in, walking over to where the Stand user was hiding behind his mirror contraption.

"Wait... does that mean we already defeated him?"

We all laugh, nodding our heads as we take his supplies, getting ready to face our next enemy.

"We only have a few camels left so we're gonna have to share." Grandpa Joseph grumbles.

Hah! Now you know how I feel.

What's Worth Fighting For // Noriaki Kakyoin x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ