Chapter 66

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For the rest of the day, Kakyoin and I try our best to explain what happened on our 50 day journey to save my mother. Questions are asked here and there and I'm even questioned about my hand which makes me hide it under my jacket.

"But we're back now and we're fine mom." Kakyoin smiles softly.

The look on his mothers face shows mixed emotions. But it does seem as if she doesn't believe us. I guess I'll have to prove it to them.

"Mr and Mrs Kakyoin, I do have proof that all of what Noriaki said is real. You won't be able to see our Stands but you'll be able to see what mine can do." I smile, standing up.

I summon Wind Resistance, making her float beside me. She uses her wind ability to pick me up off the ground easily.

"Oh my-"

Nori's parents look at me in shock. I see Kakyoin with a small smile from the seat beside me as I get my Stand to place me back down onto the floor.

"I-I... so, all these years... you've actually been seeing your friend you call Heirophant Green? These abilities do exist!" His mother exclaims in bewilderment.

I nod my head, taking a seat beside Kakyoin who relaxes, knowing his parents believe him after all these years.

"I'm sorry we didn't believe you Noriaki. You can understand why we didn't believe you since we can't actually see your... Stand?" His father questions himself and I nod once more.

"It's okay. At least you believe me now. Thank you for understanding everything. I promise I won't just run away from home like that again." Kakyoin frowns slightly but it's barely visible.

The sun begins to set and it's now time for me to leave.

"Here, let me walk you home darling." Kakyoin hands me my jacket, leading me towards the door.

"Ever the gentleman." I joke, feeling my cheeks heat up at his nickname for me.

The both of us make small talk as we continue to walk towards my house. When we finally make it to my front door, Kakyoin smiles and places a gentle kiss to my lips.

"Well... goodnight Y/N. If you need anything, you have my telephone number. Don't hesitate to ring." Kakyoin rubs my cheek with his thumb gently.

"Of course. Thank you Nori." I smile at his efforts to make me feel safe.

"I love you."

"I love you more!"

We say our goodnights and I head off into my house. I can't stop myself from smiling, knowing everything is turning out okay.

One thing I can't get out of my head though, is those Stand arrows. How many of them are there? What would happen if it hit someone?

I guess I'll have to figure that out later.

"Y/N! You're home!" My mom comes up to me, pulling me into a hug.

"Yes mom, I'm home. How was your day?" I ask politely, watching as a wide smile makes it's way onto her face.

"My day was great! Thank you!"

I laugh, walking away to my room. I pass by one of the spare rooms, noticing Grandpa Joseph sat down with a frown on his face.

I knock on the open door softly, getting his attention.

"Oh Y/N, come in." He invites me into the room. I kneel down on the floor beside him, not wanting to disturb him too much since he's obviously deep in thought.

"About what?" I ask.

"Everything. Especially after we died, seeing Caesar again brought back memories." He frowns.

Then I think back to when we were in Cairo. I created that horse from forming the wind with my Stand. If I can create lifeforms then... can I create humans too?

I concentrate on what I wish to create. I close my eyes, picturing who to see. Wind gently begins blowing around the room for a moment then it stops.

I open my eyes to see Caesar stood in front of us, a smile on his face. Since my Stand created him, he's not really an actual person therefore, he can not talk.

"Hello again." I smile at the man who looks almost transparent just like the horse I created.

Caesar waves back at me with a smile, his transparent bandana blowing from the slight wind, just like the one I have on.

"C-Caesar?" Grandpa Joseph stands up, walking towards his old friend. He wraps his arms around the blonde, shocked by his appearance.

Caesar hugs back and the two of them seem happy. It's a shame Caesar isn't actually here. I feel like we would have gotten along well.

Soon enough, the version of Caesar I created begins to disappear and soon becomes wind once again. The wind stops blowing and Wind Resistance also disappears.

"Thank you Y/N. Thank you for letting me see him one last time." Grandpa Joseph smiles, a stray tear falling from his eyes.

"My, my! What is happening in here?"

Another person enters the room and I turn to see Grandma Suzie with a confused look on her face.

"Grandma Suzie!" I rush up to her, pulling her into a hug.

"Oh dear, its lovely to see you again. You've grown to be a beautiful young lady." She smiles down at me, patting my head.

The rest of the night, we all sit around chatting about almost everything we can think about. Even Jotaro seems to be having a better time but I can still tell that something is bothering him.

I'm betting, it's the same thing that's bothering me.

Why did we have to loose our friends back in Egypt?

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