Chapter 74

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"Everyone's here Y/N!" Kakyoin calls out from the other room.

I walk into the living room of our old home where mother is still living. Jotaro and I visit her often so she doesn't get lonely. We thought it would be best to hold the gathering here as it brings a sense of comfort.

Jotaro also decided to bring his girlfriend along. Yes, his girlfriend. They didn't tell anyone about their relationship, scared that their happiness would be taken from them. Well... mainly Jotaro. But who can blame him?

"I'm coming! I'll be out in a second!" I take a deep breath. I can do this.

I walk out to the main area where everyone is stood around chatting. As I do, they all turn to me with wide smiles.

"Oh goodness! You look lovely Y/N!" Mom exclaims, pulling me in for a hug.

"Thanks mom. You look just as lovely." I smile.

"So everyone... I'm assuming you're wondering what the occasion is?" Kakyoin smiles but I can tell he's nervous.

I walk over to him, taking his slightly shaky hand in mine. I give him a reassuring look and he calms slightly. We've been through so much together so we can get through this.

"We both have an announcement. I..." I pause.

How will they all react? Will mom be mad? Will they all be happy for us?

"You're what? Don't leave us hanging!" Polnareff exclaims in excitement, practically shaking from anticipation.

"Well... the reason we gathered you all here today is to tell you that... I'm pregnant."

Everyone goes silent for a moment. I feel my palms become sweaty as they stare at us in silence.


Everyone erupts into pure joy, rushing over to Nori and I.

"Kakyoin! You better look after my granddaughter and grandchild or else!" Grandpa Joseph points a finger towards Kakyoin but Grandma Suzie pulls him back.

"Congratulations you two! I'm sure you'll make a lovely mother Y/N. I can't believe our boy has already grown up." Mrs Kakyoin wipes away a tear.

The room is filled with smiles and tears, everyone coming up to the both of us to talk and congratulate us.

"There's also another another thing I would like to say!" Noriaki exclaims, getting everyones attention once more.

Nori turns to me with a shy smile, taking both my hands in his.

"Y/N... I honestly can't tell you how much you mean to me. Words just can't express it enough. You're worth more than anything in this world and you deserve everything. Ever since I met you years ago, I knew you were different. You're the most amazing woman I have ever met." Kakyoin gives my hands a gentle squeeze.

Then he gets down on one knee.

"Y/N... I feel like this is the best time to ask you this. I've been waiting for a while but now it just seems right. So, Y/N Kujo... will you marry me and be mine forever?" He finishes.

Everyone is silent. I freeze up, feeling hot tears trickle down my cheeks. I nod my head, letting him take my hand.

"Yes. Yes!" I cry in joy as he gently slips the delicate ring onto my finger.

The crowd cheers as I pull him in for a quick kiss.

"She's growing up too fast!" Grandpa Joseph cries which makes me laugh at his silly behaviour.

"Y/N, I love you so much. I'm so glad you excepted the engagement." Kakyoin sighs, a soft smile upon his lips.

"Of course I accepted. You're the only person I have ever and will ever love. You mean the world to me. How could I not take you up on the offer?" I laugh a little bit.

Today has been one of the best days ever. Seeing everyone so happy... even Jotaro is happy for once.

Now, most people have gone off to make conversation which leaves me, Kakyoin, Jotaro, Polnareff and Grandpa Joseph to talk. The last 5 Crusaders.

"You know, I never imagined we would be here right now. It's strange really." I confess.

"I agree. Everything seems perfect." Kakyoin smiles.

"Well I personally called it. We could all see the two of you had a thing for each other." Polnareff smiles, ruffling my hair like he sometimes used to.

The next hour is filled with small talk and random conversations. The celebration begins to die down, becoming more of a calm atmosphere.

"You know... I bet they're watching. Avdol and Iggy. They'd also be proud of the both of you." Grandpa Joseph smiles.

"Yeah... you're right. I just wish they were still here with us." I frown slightly.

But something tells me they're watching right now. I feel like Caesar is also watching. He's probably proud of Grandpa Joseph too.

"What are you going to do now? You can't go working yourself to death at the Speedwagon Foundation now." Jotaro looks up at me.

"Yeah you're right. To be honest, I'll probably continue for a few more months and take leave for a while. I can still continue to do my research at home." I suggest and my brother nods.

These next few months are going to be chaotic. The wedding will have to be as soon as possible. Hopefully next month is okay and not too early.

I just can't believe Kakyoin and I are actually starting a family. We will have to buy a new house and then it will be perfect for the little one on the way.

It feels nice to actually be at peace.

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