Chapter 37

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When you look at the ocean, it makes you realise just how big the world is. You meet people and loose people. But the people you're closest to come into your life for a reason.

The sunlight reflects off the ocean, creating a beautiful landscape of vast open waters.

"I thought I'd find you here."

I turn to see Kakyoin walking towards me with a soft smile.

"And why is that? Am I just that predictable?" I let out a soft laugh, patting the sand beside me, gesturing for Kakyoin to sit next to me.

"I saw the way you were looking at the ocean on the way here." He smiles.

I sigh, looking back out at the ocean. The peaceful waves create ambience which pairs with the tranquil atmosphere.

"Jotaro and I are pretty similar because of our love of the ocean. When we were younger, we used to get taken to the aquarium a lot. Sometimes by our parents. Sometimes by Grandpa Joseph and Granny Suzie. Back then... our family was happy. We were happy." I smile at the memory.

"That sounds nice..." Kakyoin trails off.

He seems to be lost in thought, debating something in his mind. I keep quiet because I know not to push someone if they don't feel like talking. That's probably why I'm usually good at knowing how to deal with Jotaro.

"Y/N, can I be honest with you?"

I nod my head, waiting for him to continue.

"When I was growing up, I never really had friends. Not even until now. The kids at school called me crazy because they couldn't see Heirophant. My parents were concerned for me because I closed myself off. Now that I have you guys, I realise how important friends are. I'll do anything to protect everyone." He gives a sad smile.

Instantly, I lean over, wrapping my arms around him. I'm practically sat on top of him but I don't care.

"I'm glad we have you too. I don't think I've ever met someone as amazing as you Nori. So believe me when I say this, I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me." I keep my arms around him and place my head in the crook of his neck as he hugs back.

But how am I so sure I'm not going anywhere? Soon, we'll have to face Dio. Who knows if we're all gonna make it out alive.

"Come on Nori, I have an idea. Just trust me." I try to lighten the mood as I stand up, offering my hands to Kakyoin.

"Where are we going?" He asks, taking my hands.

"You'll see. Just trust me."

I walk backwards keeping eye contact with him. He doesn't let go of my hands as I keep walking back further and further. What he hasn't noticed is that Wind Resistance is floating behind us.

"Look down Nori."


His eyes widen as he now notices we are stood in the middle of the ocean, my Stand keeping us on top of the water.

"This is amazing!" Kakyoin looks at the ocean below, the fish gracefully swimming below our feet.

"Isn't it? Maybe when we get back to Japan, I could take you to the aquarium?" I ask, my heart rate speeding up.

Kakyoin takes his attention from the ocean and back to me. He takes a step foward, moving a stray piece of hair away from my eyes. He smiles down at me.

"I'd like that."

I feel my heart almost explode at his words. Am I supposed to feel like this? Is this normal?

Kakyoin takes another step towards me and he takes my hands in his. We are only a few inches apart from each other. He places a gentle hand on my cheek before leaning towards me.

I do the same.

"Y/N! Kakyoin! Hurry up, we have to get our things ready!"

Grandpa Joseph you son of a bitch! Why does everyone always have to ruin the moment?!

"God fucking damn it!" I yell but I forget to focus on keeping Kakyoin and I above water.

The invisible barrier dissolves and we fall into the ocean. The cold water shocks me for a moment but I open my eyes to see Kakyoin floating in front of me.

The ocean life around us is beautiful. The sunlight shines down on us from above, creating and almost magical setting.

Kakyoin points to the surface and turns to start swimming but I gently grab his hand, pulling him back towards me.

Fuck it.

I place my lips on his.

I can tell he is shocked for a moment but he relaxes, melting into the kiss. His arms snake their way around my waist as we continue the kiss.

Moments after, we slowly pull away, locking eyes. We both have a blush on our faces because of what happened.

I just... I just kissed him. I kissed Kakyoin!

And it was perfect.

We both swim to the top and back towards land. I use Wind Resistance to instantly dry us off due to the both of us being covered in salt water.



There is a moment of silence between us. It's not entirely awkward but at the same time, it's not conforming either.

"Let's not tell the others about this just yet. I don't want to distract them from our mission." I laugh, giving Kakyoin a small kiss on the cheek which makes him blush more.

He's at a loss for words and just follows behind me. I notice him touch his cheek with a smile which is just adorable.

Despite the whole 'having to defeat Dio' situation, everything has been perfect. Every little moment. This trip brought Kakyoin and I together. Now we just have to kill Dio and make it home in one piece.


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