Chapter 48

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After getting Jotaro patched up at the hospital, we take him back to the car, driving to our next destination.

"Good, we're here. Grab your things and head inside the hotel. We'll move out again tomorrow. We just have to let Jotaro rest." Grandpa Joseph parks the car.

I gently nudge Jotaro awake, him groaning in response. He must still be in pain.

"Jojo... you have to get up. You can sleep once we get inside the hotel." I softly say not to piss him off. He nods, stepping out the car with a hint of pain on his face.

"As usual, Avdol and I will be sharing a room. Polnareff, look after Jotaro and don't run into any trouble." Grandpa Joseph then turns to me and Kakyoin.

"As for you two, I know you're both well behaved but don't go doing anything stupid." He narrows his eyes and I give him a joking salute.

We wait for everyone to settle in their rooms and then I grab my purse, taking Kakyoin's hand as we rush from the hotel.

"Where are we going?" He laughs, following behind me.

I pull out the Polaroid photo which we took back when we first met Iggy. I managed to swipe it from Jotaro's pocket when he was asleep.

"I'm gonna get a copy of this. If anything happens to the original, at least we have another. That, and I want a copy of the memory for myself." I smile, the two of us inspecting the photo.

I'm stood in front of Kakyoin, his arms hugging me from behind. Jotaro and Avdol are stood either side of us. Polnareff is sat in front of me next to Grandpa Joseph and Iggy.

"I was hoping we could get a few more photos like these... for the memories. But it seems that we never have time." I give a sad laugh.

"Well I'm sure we can. You're taking this to a photograph shop or something, right? Why don't we get a photo there? Together." Kakyoin suggests.

I feel my heart melt at his suggestion. How is this boy so damn adorable?!

"That is a great idea Nori... come on, we need to hurry before the others realise we've gone." I once again take his hand, pulling him down the street.

After a few minutes of searching, we find the shop and enter. A small bell alerts the owner of our presence and she comes to the front desk.

"Hello! What could I do for you today?" The woman asks with a kind smile.

"Hi, I was wondering if you could make a copy of this photo for me? And also, we wondered if you could take another photo of the both of us?" I question.

"Of course! Right this way. I'll take the photo first and then I will recreate the one you asked for." She smiles.

Kakyoin stands behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist. He pulls me towards him, planting a kiss to my cheek, his red tendril falling to the side, exposing his violet eyes.

The woman takes the photo on her Polaroid camera, waiting for it to expose.

"I'll leave this here. Just give me a moment to create the other one for you. If you need anything, my name is Naunet. Just give me a shout." She walks into a different room with the photo.

"Wow. That's cute." I laugh at the cringy but cute photo on the table.

"If anything happens, at least we have this for a memory." Kakyoin smiles.

This is a photo I'll treasure forever. If one of us ceases to exist, at least this will be a physical memory of what once was.

"Here you go dear. Anything else I could do for the cute couple today?" The woman walks back into the room.

Right... Kakyoin and I haven't even made us official. We haven't even had time to think about it yet.

"That's all. Thank you, Naunet." I smile.

I pay for the photos, placing them in my jacket pocket as we leave the shop. We wonder around town for a while before sitting on top of a sandy hill watching the horizon.

"Nori... I know we're close or whatever you want to call it but... god this is so awkward... what are we?" I ask, cringing at my choice of words.

"Oh right! We've been so caught up, I didn't even have the time to ask you..." Kakyoin smiles, turning to look at me.

I wait for a moment, the two of us locking eyes. The silence is filled with anticipation as Kakyoin takes my hands in his.

"Y/N Kujo... ever since I laid eyes on you, I knew you were- are special. From the moment I saw you, I caught feelings but I was too scared to tell you. This journey has made me realise that we have to take any opportunity we get to be with each other since we don't know the outcome. So Y/N... will you be mine?" He finishes.

I feel my eyes well up with tears. I rapidly nod my head, practically jumping towards Kakyoin, wrapping my arms around him.

"Yes! Absolutely, 100 percent yes!" Iaugh with glee.

The two of us spend the rest of our day enjoying each others presence. We stay sat on top of the hill, Kakyoin sat behind me with me in between his legs as he hugs me from behind.

We watch the setting sun from our comfortable position and I look up, catching Kakyoin's lips with mine in a short but sweet kiss.

"I love you Nori."

"I love you too."

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