Chapter 38

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"Good, you're here. What took you so long?" Grandpa Joseph turns to Kakyoin and I with suspicion.

Of course I'm not gonna tell him. I'm not just gonna say 'oh yeah, Nori were late cuz we kissed under the ocean'. Nope! No way!

"We were just watching the fish. A bit of time away to relax. Ya know?" I lie but he seems to believe it.

Jotaro on the other hand, not so much. He squints his eyes at us as if he's trying to read the truth.

"Hey guys! Do I have a surprise for you! Guess who I just ran into?!" Polnareff jumps from the bushes with excitement.

"Polnareff, what happened to you?" I gasp, looking at his injured self.

"Polnareff! We were worried about you!" Grandpa Joseph scolds but Polnareff just seems unfazed.

"How did you get those injuries?"

"Was it an enemy?"

The Frenchman leaps foward, pointing a finger at Kakyoin with excitement. I think he might have eaten some sort of weird mushroom. He's going nuts!

"Who cares about my wounds?! You won't believe this! Jotaro, don't loose your cool! Kakyoin, you better not fall over when you hear this! Try not to pass out from excitement Y/N! Guess who I saw, Mr Joestar?!" Polnareff acts like a child in a candy store.

He does a little dance in excitement before stepping to the side.

"Prepare to be blown away! Ta-tata-taaaaa! Surprise! Avdol was alive this whole time!" He grins.

Poor guy. I can't believe we never told him Avdol was alive. Well... yeah I can. He never knows when to keep his mouth shut.

We all casually greet Avdol as we pick up our bags and head towards the sea front. We tell Polnareff how we knew he was alive which makes him freak out. I do feel kind of bad for him but it was for the best.

"I'm sorry Polnareff. I had my reasons for coming to this island in disguise." Avdol smiles at his good companion.

"He needed to buy something without our enemies knowing. It's a big purchase so he disguised himself as a rich Arab. Come on!" Grandpa Joseph smiles as he faces the ocean.

A huge submarine emerges from the water, all of us in shock at how he even managed to get a hold of one.

"Let's go. We have to take our stuff inside." Grandpa Joseph leads the way.

We climb up the external ladder which is a bit slippy so I use Wind Resistance to fully dry it off for us. One by one, we climb inside the huge submarine, looking around in awe.

"So this is how we'll cross the red sea." Jotaro states as he climbs in, closing the door hatch as he is the last one on board.

"This is amazing! Hopefully you don't crash this sub like you crash your planes." I tease Gramps, watching as his face scrunches up.

The six of us split off, looking at everything there is to see. It seems that we have finally set off. I rush towards one of the small windows, watching the small fish swim past without a care in the world.


Kakyoin softly says, wrapping his arms around me from behind. I feel my heart flip, leaning back into him.

"Nori... what if the others see us?" I laugh, acting as if hugging in public is the most scandalous thing ever.

"I don't care. Let them. As long as I have you, that's all I care about in this moment." He smiles, kissing my cheek.

The two of us watch the ocean waters like we did before back on the island. Honestly, this is the happiest I have been in a while.

"Do you want me to make you anything to drink?" Kakyoin asks which makes me turn to face him.

"Yeah I could go for some coffee right now. I'm exhausted." I laugh.

Kakyoin leans down, placing a gentle kiss to my lips. The kiss lasts a few seconds before we pull away. We make our way back to the rest of the group, looking through cupboards and units.

"Does anyone want coffee?" Kakyoin asks and everyone says yes.

"I found six cups. One for each of us. How convenient."

A few seconds later, Polnareff turns around in his seat, becoming fairly impatient. Jeez it's only been a few seconds, give us a break.

"Hey! Hurry up and make the coffee! I want some!"

"Make it yourself!" Kakyoin shouts back so I place a gentle hand on his shoulder, turning him back to me.

We both work together to make the coffee, pouring it equally into the 6 cups. Saying it like that sounds like we are trying to defeat a Stand user.

I laugh to myself at my own joke, taking 3 of the cups to the table, Kakyoin bringing over the rest.

"Hey, I can see the African coast! We're almost there!" Avdol explains, pulling out a map to explain where we are.

"Guys, come get your coffee before it goes cold!" Yell to them as they come sit down at the small table.

"Hey, why did you make seven cups of coffee? There's only six of us." Jotaro complains.

I look at the cups on the table. He's right.

"That's odd. I don't remember making another one. Did you make an extra one Nori?" I ask and he shakes his head.

We each pick up a cup to drink. I take a sip of the coffee but a force knocks it out of my hands as Grandpa Joseph's cup turns into some sort of monster.

"Shit! It's a Stand! Grandpa Joseph!!" I exclaim as the Stand completely cuts off his prosthetic hand.

And here I thought we could have some peace and quiet.

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