Chapter 40

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Okay so the best way to be is calm. We definitely should not panic in this situation as it will mess with our scuba gear.

Grandpa Joseph let's the water into the room as he begins explaining the rest of the gear.

"This is a regulator. There is a valve inside so air will only come through when you breathe in. The air you exhale goes out through the piece on the left." He explains.

"What about spit? What if I have to hock a loogie or something?" Polnareff asks.

God the thought of that is vile. Imagine spitting inside the mouth piece and it comes back to hit you in the face. Gross.

"This is obvious, but we can't talk underwater. We have to communicate using hand signals." Grandpa Joseph teaches us a few simple ones.

"We can speak through our Stands, right?" Avdol asks.

"Of course we can Avdol. It's just that Grandpa Joseph's brain doesn't work as well as it used to." I tease him.

"Aww man! And I was about to say I know a really cool hand signal!" Polnareff complains.

He claps his hands together, makes a 'peace' sign and then an 'ok' sign. Kakyoin peers out from behind him, translating for us.

"He says, 'your underwear is showing'." He tries not to laugh.


The two of them do a little handshake which makes me laugh. I can't believe they're doing this now when we are in trouble.

"The enemy could attack us at any minute! Stop fooling around!" Grandpa Joseph complains at the two of them.

We all place on our goggles and regulators just as the water rises above us completely. It kind of feels like floating.

We all give the 'ok' hand signal as we prepare to move out. But suddenly, Polnareff begins to choke. His regulator wasn't actually a regulator.

The enemy Stand laughs, making it's way into Polnareff's mouth and down his throat. But before it can get any further, Kakyoin and Grandpa Joseph use their own Stands to pull it out through his nose. I bet that felt awful.

"We did it!"

"No, it's not over yet! It slipped out of my grip... it's transforming again!" Grandpa Joseph exclaims through his Stand.

The enemy begins changing again, turning into a spear gun. Of course it did.

"Guys let's go before it has a chance to hurt us!" I usher everyone out. We quickly shut the hatch before it can launch at one of us.

Polnareff was given a spare regulator which is hooked up to Jotaro's air canister.

"I-I'm okay, merci beaucoup... you saved me!" Polnareff thanks us.

"Yeah it was a close one I'll have to admit. Let's just keep going. We don't have much longer to go until we reach the surface." I say, swimming beside Kakyoin.

"I can't believe how beautiful it is down here. I wish I were here on vacation." Polnareff states.

"Tell me about it!" I laugh.

Shortly after, we spot what looks to be an underwater tunnel indicating that we've reached the Egyptian coast.

At long last.

"We'll swim along these rocks and get on land."

We do as instructed, swimming along the rocks, avoiding any sea creatures in order not to harm them.

"What the hell?!" Jotaro exclaims, looking down at the rock.

That's no rock... it's the Stand! It merged with the ocean floor!

An unknown force pulls us into the Stands mouth, all six of us landing on what I assume to be it's tongue.

"If her Stand is this powerful, the Stand user must be close! Really close!" Kakyoin explains. He's right, a Stand with this much power has to be short range. I bet the user is on the Egyptian coast, waiting.

"What part of the body is this?" Kakyoin asks no one in particular.

"We're still in its mouth. It hasn't swallowed us yet." Grandpa Joseph replies, making me shiver at the thought.

"Oh Jotaro! It's a shame I'll have to kill you! You're just my type too... it's too bad that you're going to be digested here, inside my Stand." A womans voice echoes.

That bitch! She's messing with us! And how dare she even try to talk about my brother like that!

Polnareff leans over to Jotaro, whispering something to him. Jotaro looks as if he wants to throw up but then speaks up.

"I wish I could have seen your face even just once. You might have been my type too. I might have even fallen for you." He says.

What?! Oh... I see what's going on here.

"I think she's a gorgeous woman! I can tell just by listening to her voice!" Polnareff exclaims.

"Yes, I get a sense that she is indeed beautiful."

"I think she sounds like Audrey Hepburn."

"If only I were thirty years younger."

"Yeah I agree. I bet she's the hottest woman to be alive!" I finish off.

There is a moment of silence. Did our plan work? Will she let us go?

"Why you little rats! You don't even mean any of that! I'll kill you all!" The voice echoes once again, our plan failing.

Out of nowhere, a giant tongue hits me and Jotaro, knocking the air from our lungs. We cough up a bit of blood as the Stand's tongue sends us flying, separating us from the others.

We both lay on the ground where it threw us, neither of us having the stre to move. I gasp for air, slightly turning my head towards the others.

Then... the teeth clamp shut.

What's Worth Fighting For // Noriaki Kakyoin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now