Chapter 59

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I walk towards Jotaro but a looming presence stops me in my tracks.

"Y/N, what happened? Where's Kakyoin?" Jotaro asks.

I open my mouth but words don't form. I feel tears behind falling again but my sadness has now turned into anger.

Dio strides up behind us, folding his arms over his chest.

"You! You caused this!" I clench my palms, red liquid seeping through my fingers as I dig my nails into my palms.

"Dear Y/N, I did nothing. You were the one who killed your beloved Kakyoin." He laughs with a smirk.

Jotaro widens his eyes, turning to look at me.

"No. It's not true... I tried- please, I tried to change fate! He- no, he... he was- you were going to have been the one to kill him... I- I..." I feel my head spinning as all eyes are on me.

"Dio! Leave my granddaughter alone! She did nothing. What happened was an accident!" Grandpa Joseph yells at the vampire.

Jotaro looks at me with an unreadable look on his face but I can tell he's affected by hearing about his friends death.

I feel my head spinning as I try to take in air. I feel light headed, not wanting anyone else to get hurt or killed. But with Dio's ability to control time, I don't know if we'll be able to beat him.

"Old man!"

I look up, dropping to my knees as I see Grandpa Joseph with a knife lodged through him, his life draining from his body.

"Noooo!" I scream, my lungs almost exploding from the amount of screaming done in one day.

Dio smirks, disappearing from our sight, leaving Jotaro and I to rush over to Grandpa Joseph. I look down at him, his life completely drained.

A weird golden yellow cloud begins to form in the air above him. The clouds begin to form a figure, floating into the air.

"Y/N... Jotaro... you have to keep going. Y/N, as you know, Dio's ability is to control time. Use that to your advantage. Please, save Holly. Bring back your mother. And Y/N... what happened back there wasn't your fault. You can't always change what is about to happen. Good luck you two." The soul of our Grandfather floats into the air, away from his body.

"Y/N we have to go."

I stand up, blood all down my arms and hands from the scrapes I've received from earlier, reminders that this fight isn't a fantasy.

"I'm going to kill him." I grit my teeth, walking away from the situation.

He took Avdol. He took Iggy. He took Kakyoin and now he has taken our Grandfather.

"Y/N you're not going on your own. We have to find Polnareff and plan our next move." Jotaro raises his voice slightly.

"Jotaro, you don't understand! Dio has fucked with us enough! I'm sick of his shit! He's taken too many innocent lives. I'm going to kill him... with or without you." I scowl, walking away.

I turn down multiple streets in search for Dio. I round a corner, coming face to face with the vampire himself.

"At long last. I didn't think you would come to actually fight me alone. It's a pity. You're smart Y/N. You have a lot of potential flowing through your Joestar blood." He smirks, stopping time to move behind me.

I turn my head as he presses a knife up to my back.

"Then let's get on with it."

I bring out Wind Resistance, using her ability to throw me back away from Dio before he can stab the knife through my back.

My Stand rips a piece of metal pole from the wall behind me and she picks it up, tearing it into pieces. She sharpens the edges and turns them into spikes.

This is for Avdol.

She throws one at Dio and it hits his arm.

This is for Iggy.

The next one is thrown and it hits his other arm.

This is for Grandpa Joseph.

Wind Resistance throws a third and it hits Dio's left leg.

This... is for Noriaki.

The final pole is thrown and it embeds itself into his right leg.

I heavily breathe, looking at Dio with venom. Red clouds my vision as I stare at the poles embedded into his arms and legs.

Then he starts to laugh.

"Y/N... Y/N, you do realise that there is no way to kill me? I'm immortal. By letting you throw these at me, it drained your energy." He teleports directly in front of me.

"You should have listened to Jotaro..."

He throws me back towards a wall, my head hitting the hard, cold bricks. I feel a warm liquid trickle down my back.


I try to stay awake, watching as Jotaro comes rushing towards me. My vision blurs but I manage to stay awake to watch as Dio and Jotaro fight.

Dio throws multiple knives towards Jotaro, app of them embedding into his skin. I try to scream but nothing comes out. I can't move. I feel nothing.

Dio pulls a street sign from the ground and raises it towards Jotaro's head.

Where is Polnareff? Has Dio already killed him? Is he still possibly alive? Surely Dio hasn't killed everyone yet. There is still a small amount of hope.

I watch through blurry eyes as Dio looks down at my brother... who is also still not moving.



I push myself off the ground, rushing towards him, his smirk fueling my anger.

We have to end this.


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