Chapter 1

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Today is just like any other day.

I wake up for school, going through my morning routine before getting dressed for school.

Once I finish, I open my bedroom door and walk outside to see my brother walking past, stoic as ever.

"Jotaro! You coming to school today?" I ask, hopeful that he will walk with me. That way, everyone will leave me alone at school.

"Good grief... no I'm not." He gives a short response, walking off past our mother. He completely ignores her which disheartens me.

Mother always tries so hard to look after us since father is always away from home. I love our mother with all my heart.

No doubt Jotaro does too.

I just wish he would show it more.

"Mother I'm going to school! Jotaro isn't walking with me today because he said he isn't coming." I say to her as she gives me a bright smile.

"Okay! Have a great day at school sweetie!" My mother kisses me on the forehead and gives me a hug.

We say our goodbyes for the day and I head away from our house and towards the school.

As I enter the school, I'm faced with the very thing I wasn't looking foward to.


"Please help me with my homework!"

"Do you wanna be friends Y/N?!"

"Please notice me Y/N Kujo!"

Voices surround me as swarms of people try to get my attention. I look at them all and begin to panic a little.

"Hey guys, I have to get to class! Please excuse me!" I say quickly scurrying away from them.

God I hate school. Why can't everyone just leave me alone for once?

I enter an empty classroom, taking a deep breath, enjoying the silence for a while. But when I open my eyes, I see the ghost that has been following me around for some time now.

"Oh it's you. What are you doing here?" I ask but the ghost only responds in sounds.

"Avi Avi!"

I have no idea what she is saying.

The ghost appears to be female but has a blue tint to her skin. She has a human like figure with long white hair which floats around her. She wears a strange form of clothing which almost makes her look like a warrior.

I have never told anyone about her. People would call me crazy if I told them I was seeing ghosts.

After some alone time, I hear the school bell ring and I exit the classroom, walking towards the correct room for my first class of the day.

I sit in my usual spot, trying my hardest to ignore people staring at me and trying to get my attention.

I get out the correct books for the class and lay them on the table as the classroom door opens once more.

"Oh class! This is our newest student. Please make him feel welcome." The teacher announces as a boy walks through the door.

He looks to be quite shy, his red hair swaying slightly as the door shuts, sending the large tendril at the front of his hair swaying slightly.

He has violet coloured eyes which I have never seen before. He is quite... unique.

I smile to myself as I watch the new boy sit down a few rows beside me.

I do have to admit he is quite cute though. Not that I'll ever tell him or anyone for that matter. Especially not my brother. He would beat the shit out of him if he found out.

The rest of the school day goes by pretty quickly and soon enough, it's time for me to go home.

I grab my things and leave the school before I am bombarded by everyone once again.

Just as I leave, I notice the same boy from earlier. He also looks to be pretty reserved but at the same time, there is something off about him.

I shrug the feeling away, walking home quickly.

"Mother I'm home!" I call out through my house but get no response.

I check all the rooms but finally find my mother sobbing on a chair in the corner of one of the rooms.

"Mother! What happened? Are you hurt?" I rush over to her, dropping all my things on the floor as I try to comfort her.

I wrap my arms around her, trying to stop her sobbing as much as possible. I figure it's best to let out all her emotions before she tries to talk.

As her crying calms down, I stand up and grab her a handkerchief so she can wipe the remnants of her tears away from her cheeks.

"Oh Y/N... I can't believe this is happening." She sniffles.

"What's happening? What happened?" I sit down beside her, gently taking her hand to calm her down.

"It's... it's Jotaro."

I sit up slightly, concerned. What could possibly have happened to him? Surely he's not gotten himself into too much trouble.

"What about him? What's my delinquent brother been up to now?" I ask, trying to make the situation lighter by joking slightly.

"He's handed himself into the police."

My mothers words shock me as I try to process what she just said.

He. Did. What?!

I stand up from the chair and grab my things, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Y/N honey, where are you going?!" My mother calls out for me but I continue to walk towards the exit of our house.

"I'm going to talk some sense into my idiot brother."

With that, I walk out of our home and towards the police station.

Jotaro you son of a bitch. You best have a good explanation before I beat your ass!

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