Chapter 29

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"Well, here we are. We can stay here for the night whilst I get us a ride out of here." Grandpa Joseph leads us into a small hotel.

"Could we possibly get three rooms please?" Grandpa Joseph smiles and the man behind the desk hands him three pairs of keys.

I look out the window at the great sandy landscape. I wonder how far away from Egypt we are.

"Y/N are you even listening to me?" Grandpa Joseph pulls me out of my daydreaming.

"Sorry... no. What were you saying?" I ask.

"I said, you are sharing a room with Kakyoin." He smirks.

Of course he's gonna put me in a room with Kakyoin. Now he knows that I like him, he won't leave me alone until I say something.

"That's fine by me." I smile, snatching the keys from Grandpa Joseph, not forgetting to give him a death stare before leaving.

As Kakyoin and I enter the room, we look around to see that there are two single beds. The room is quite spacious so there's no need to worry about lack of space.

"This isn't half bad to say we're in the middle of nowhere." I throw my bag down and flop onto the bed completely exhausted.

Kakyoin does the same and we both stare up at the ceiling.

"What do you think will happen once this is all over? What do you plan to do?" Kakyoin breaks the silence looking over at me.

"Well... I'm not too sure. Obviously I'll go see my mother once we get back to Japan... That's if I make it home alive." I frown at the thought.

It's not my intention to get myself killed, but if I die trying to save everyone else then that is how it must be.

"Don't say that Y/N. We're all gonna make it out of here alive." He tries to reassure me.

"Yeah... you're right. I'm just overthinking." I sit up, looking over at Kakyoin who does the same.

I walk over to the open window, looking outside again. A gentle hand is placed on my shoulder and I turn to look at Kakyoin who has a small but nervous smile on his face.

"Nori...? Are you okay?" I ask. His cheeks redden and he seems to be burning up.

I place the back of my hand on his forehead to check his temperature but he gently takes my wrist in his hand, pulling my hand away.

For a moment, everything seems like it dissapears. Like all our problems have been solved and no longer exist.


He continues to stare at me and I swear he is now standing a little closer to me.

"Y/N answer the door, bitch."

My brothers voice booms from behind the door and Kakyoin and I step away from each other.

"I'm coming! Don't get your pants in a fucking twist." I swing open the door, crossing my arms as I stare at my brother.

"The old man wants everyone to be ready to leave at 8am. He told me to tell you."

"Great, thanks... well? You just gonna stand there all night or what?" I raise my eyebrow.

Jotaro struts off to who knows where and I close the door.

Wait... huh? Is that... crying?

"Y/N... do you hear that?" Kakyoin asks and I nod my head.

"Yeah, there must be a baby somewhere. Nothing out of the ordinary though. Now come on and go to sleep. We have to be up early." I jokingly push him onto his bed, picking up my pyjamas and walking into the bathroom to change.

If Jotaro hadn't interrupted, what would have happened? Probably nothing.

I quickly change and leave the bathroom. Kakyoin is sat up in bed in his striped pyjamas.


"What was that Y/N?"


"Cute pyjamas! I said you have cute pyjamas!" I blurt out feeling my face heat up in embarrassment.

Kakyoin laughs, thanks me, laying down in bed. I switch off the light, getting into my bed as well.

For hours, I lay in bed awake, staring at the ceiling as if I'm waiting for something to happen. I can't shake the feeling that something bad is looming over us, waiting to attack.


Kakyoin whispers my name. Why is he still awake?

"Yeah. Can't sleep either?" I ask.

"No. I feel like something bad is about to happen." He admits and I feel my heart twist.

"I feel the same. I just can't sleep when I feel on edge."

I sigh, sitting up in my bed. I rub my eyes, trying to take my mind away from any of this.

"You don't have to but... would you like a hug?"

My head whips around in the darkness to face Kakyoin. I can tell he has a nervous expression on his face. But I don't care.

I stand up, walking over to his bed, wrapping my arms around him. His presence is warm and makes me feel safe.

I listen to his heartbeat which speeds up a little bit, the feeling of his arms wrapped around me comforting me. He gently runs his fingers through my hair and I finally feel myself falling to sleep.

"Sorry. I'll leave if you want me to-"

"No. That's okay. I wouldn't mind it if you stayed." He admits, laying down with my head still laying on top of his chest.

"Thank you... Nori..."

I close my eyes, finally feeling myself relax. His soft heartbeat sends me to sleep almost instantly.

"Goodnight Y/N..."

I snap my eyes open to see that I'm in some sort of ferris wheel.

Where the hell am I?

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