Chapter 80

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I feel... numb.

I see through blurry vision that I'm falling. Polnareff is screaming but I can't exactly see what he's saying.

The man with the pink hair is laughing, a smirk upon his face.

I shouldn't have done it. What a stupid thing to want to do anyway. Something told me to stab myself with the Stand arrow but why did I follow through with it?

"I'm... s-sorry..."

I notice a pool of my own blood beneath me as I close my eyes, resting them.

But the rest doesn't last long.

I snap open my eyes to see that I'm perfectly fine. I'm still on top of the cliff which is good. But the man with the pink hair is backing Polnareff up to the edge of the cliff.

"Arghhh! Leave us alone! You bastard!!!" I rush towards the pink haired man, Wind Resistance floating next to me.

She looks... different. Her hair has changed to a reflective silver and there is an odd mark on her chest. It looks like the Stand arrow.

"What the- how is that possible?! I, Diavolo, am the strongest alive!" The pink haired man exclaims.

"Well Diavolo... it seems you're wrong." I smirk at him.

The wind around us picks up until it's blowing dust everywhere. Polnareff is sent flying towards me, stumbling to the ground.

"I'm sorry about that Polnareff. It seems I didn't expect my new abilities to be this strong." I smile down at him.

I turn my attention to Diavolo who now looks worried. Polnareff picks up the Stand arrow off the floor beside me. When I stabbed myself... it seems to have gone right through me.

"Don't even think about running!" I yell to Diavolo who begins to walk away.

He stiffens and looks at me with wide eyes.

"I'm not done messing with you just yet."

The wind picks up once again which knocks Diavolo off his feet. He backs away and stands up once again. I point towards Diavolo who tries to run again and get a weird feeling that I need to try out a new ability. How do I know about this if I've never used it?

How bizarre.

"Wind Resistance, hurricane stop motion!" I yell.

The wind comes to a halt.

And so does Diavolo.

Did I stop time? No, everything around me is moving. Even Polnareff is moving. It's just Diavolo who is frozen in time.

"What? How did you do that?!" Polnareff stands up, holding his eye which is now coved in blood.

"I'm not sure. I think the arrow gave me an upgrade or something. We should probably figure that out. But first, we have to take the arrow away from here." I inform him and he agrees.

I walk up to Diavolo who is still frozen in his place. I lean over to him, looking him dead in the eyes.

"I know you can still hear me. If you even think about coming back for the arrow, think again. Oh... and don't bother trying to catch us. It will do you no good." I smile, walking away.

I'm sure Wind Resistance can't hold her hurricane stop motion once we're out of range. But hopefully Diavolo has learnt his lesson.

"The Speedwagon Foundation are waiting by the hotel. I told them we will be bringing the arrow their way. They'll ship it off to HQ before we know it." Polnareff says.

"Good. This has been another successful mission I see. I'm just worried what might happen when I tell Nori what happened." I sigh.

"I'm sure he'll understand. Anyway... how's little Mayumi doing? Is she still the little troublemaker she was?" Polnareff asks.

I laugh, continuing to walk as we leave Diavolo and the cliffside fight behind.

"Of course she is. Honestly, she's becoming more and more like Nori and I every day. Mayumi has a kind heart. Even so, she wants to join the Speedwagon Foundation when she gets older. She still hasn't gotten her Stand though. I wonder if she'll even have one." I ponder for a moment.

"I bet she will. When she does, you'll have to tell me all about it!" Polnareff exclaims like an excited child.

"Of course." I laugh.

The two of us finally make it back to the hotel to see a small but secure van parked down the side in the alleyway. 5 Speedwagon Foundation officers are stood around the van waiting for us.

"Mrs Kakyoin, Mr Polnareff, I assume you have the asset?" One of the officers asks and Polnareff nods, holding out the arrow.

"We do. You better keep this locked up tight. Who knows how many people are after these." Polnareff says.

"Of course sir."

The arrow is placed into a containment box and loaded into the van. Before they leave, the officers and medic tend to Polnareff's eye, cleaning it and placing an eye patch over it.

Shortly after, the van drives away, leaving Polnareff and I to watch as it gets further away.

"So Polnareff, what will you do now?" I ask, curious as to what his answer might be.

"I'm not sure. I might continue to search for more Stand arrows. I heard a rumour that there is another in Italy somewhere. What about you?" Polnareff asks.

"Well... I'm not sure. Nori and Jotaro are dealing with an issue back in Japan. I might go home and spend some time with my daughter." I smile.

"Well I'm sure she misses you. Say hi to her for me won't ya?" Polnareff smiles and I nod.

I'm glad we finally managed to find another Stand arrow. It's best they don't fall into the wrong hands.

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