Chapter 69

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As time goes by, Noriaki continues to stay by my side. He decided to go further with his studies and become an artist.

I decided to write the novel that I said I would. People loved it. But I guess they'll never find out that Stands do actually exist.

Jotaro has gone on to study Marine Biology like he always wanted to do. He's finally doing something that makes him happy. Rumour has it, he has even met a woman. But he refuses to answer me whenever I ask about it.

Although Noriaki and I have our art and writing careers, we also both decided to join the Speedwagon Foundation. A year ago, I told Polnareff that I would be investigating the Stand arrows and he wanted to help.

Things have been going pretty smoothly recently. Everything seems so perfect. Nori and I are inseparable. Now we even have a flat together.

"Nori?! Nori?! Have you seen the news?!" I rush into the room, my socks making me slide across the floor. I accidentally slip and fall on the floor which alerts Kakyoin.

"Y/N! Darling, what's wrong? Are you okay?!" He worries when he sees me.

"Yes! Quick come here!"

I jump onto my feet and drag him into the room. The small tv is turned on in the corner with the news on.

"... the museum recently agreed to showcase the extravagant artwork of none other than striving artist, Noriaki Kakyoin." The news reporter says.


I watch with a wide smile as Kakyoin stares in shock. His eyes widen and he stays silent for a moment. Well, until I pull him into a bone crushing hug.

"You did it Nori! I'm so so proud of you!" I laugh, happy that he's achieved his dream.

"Wow... I can't believe this! But... what if there's nothing else for me to do?" Kakyoin asks and I frown.

"What do you mean? Nori, we're only 20. We still have our whole lives ahead of us." I laugh at his stupid question.

Kakyoin sighs, a smile replacing his worried expression. He leans over to me and places a gentle kiss to the top of my head.

"You're right. I say... we celebrate." Kakyoin smiles, taking my hand in his.

The day is spent talking about his work and eating at a fancy restaurant. We drink to the occasion and find ourselves becoming a little tipsy.

"Come on Nori... I say, we should go home and celebrate another way. What do you think?" I smirk and I can tell he likes the idea by the look on his face.

"Of course darling." He smirks, paying for the food before grabbing my hand.

He pulls me outside, the two of us stumbling back to our apartment. Kakyoin fumbles for the keys, himself also being quite tipsy.

Once we enter, he locks the door and throws the keys away on the table. He pins me against the wall, kissing my neck and collarbone.

"N-Nori... please..."

"Please what? Use your words darling. If you want me to stop I'll-"

"Nori please! I need you!" I practically beg, the alcohol finally taking control over my body.

Of course, I want this but usually I would be too shy to say anything. Kakyoin smiles, stroking my hair gently before lifting me up by my thighs.

I wrap my legs around him and he begins leading us to our bedroom. The night continues as we spend the rest of the time together.

When we wake up the next day, we're both wrapped in each others arms, our legs tangled together. I give a content sigh, looking up at Noriaki as I lay on his chest. I have a slight headache probably due to a hangover but I try to forget about it.

I gently reach my hand up, brushing his red tendril away from his face. He begins to stir awake until he finally opens his beautiful violet eyes.

"Good morning." He says with a raspy morning voice.


I trace the scars over his eyes with a smile. Sometimes it's easy to forget how he got those a few years ago back on our journey. Sometimes, I even forget that I have a prosthetic hand.

"How are you feeling?" Kakyoin asks, brushing his fingers through my hair.

"Good. I've never been better Nori. I'm so glad I have you here with me." I smile, burying my head into the crook of his neck, his usual cherry scent filling the air.

"Well I suppose it's a good job I'm not going anywhere then." He chuckles, kissing my forehead before sitting up.

Kakyoin wraps his arms under my legs and back, hoisting me up from the bed. He looks down at me in adoration which makes my chest flutter.

"Nori! We don't even have our clothes on!" I exclaim, a blushing mess.

"I know. I'm going to run you a bath darling." He sits me down and turns on the hot running water.

He pours some scented liquid into the bath tub and bubbles begin to form. The whole atmosphere is relaxing and makes me feel at ease.

"Are you getting in with me? I can wash your hair for you if you'd like?" I suggest and he eagerly nods, turning off the water.

He helps me in first then sits down in front of me. I cup my hand to pick up the water and pour it onto his head. I lather up the cherry scented shampoo, running my fingers through his hair.

Kakyoin sighs, relaxing as I wash his hair. The two of us enjoy the time together before we have to go back to reality of searching for the Stand arrows.

Who knows what might happen.

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