Chapter 63

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By now, the five of us are at the airport waiting to catch our flights.

"Pol... are you sure you don't want to come back with us?" I ask him.

"As much as I would love to ma cherie, I have to get back to my own home. I promise I'll come visit you." He smiles softly.

We nod as the boarding for his flight is called. He says his goodbyes before walking away.

"Polnareff!" I call, running after him. I jump towards him, wrapping my arms around him.

He seems shocked at first but then everyone else joins in. The five of us share one last moment together before Polnareff has to go.

"Goodbye... you're the best friends I could have ever asked for. Au revoir." He smiles, holding back tears as he separates from us.

"I'm sure he'll be back. He always is." Kakyoin smiles beside me, taking my hand in his as we begin to board our own plane back home.

Jotaro and Grandpa Joseph sit in the seats in front of Kakyoin and I. I pull out the two photos from my pocket, admiring them as our flight takes off.

"I can't believe it's over already. It seems like we've been gone for ages." I smile, finally being able to relax after our long 50 day journey.

"I know. I'm... I'm just worried about my parents. I left without telling them. They're going to be so mad. And now I'm coming back home with scars on my eyes. What do I tell them?" Kakyoin panics beside me.

I put the photos away, tightly gripping his hand in my real one.

"Nori, we're going to figure it out. I promise. Maybe we should just tell them the truth. If you want, I can come with you?" I suggest.

His eyes soften as he looks at me. A smile makes it's way onto his face.

"You'd do that?"

"Of course I would. I love you Noriaki. I'll help you with anything you need." I smile, kissing his cheek lightly.

Kakyoin thanks me and we eventually find ourselves drifting off into a deep sleep. I rest my head on his shoulder and he rests his head on mine.

After a while, I open my eyes to see that the plane has landed. Jotaro shakes us awake and we get off the plane together.

"Let's get going. We have to head back home!" I say in excitement. Mom will be awake by now. We need to get home as soon as possible.

The 4 of us wait at the train station for the last train home. Luckily for us, we don't have to wait long as it arrives in the next 5 minutes.

"How long is the train ride?" I ask in excitement.

"Good grief, you sound like a little kid." Jotaro says but I can tell he's smiling underneath his hat.

The train sets off from the station and we all sit together watching the buildings pass by us. I relax on Kakyoin's shoulder watching the scenery outside.

For a split second, I see someone dressed in gold and yellow clothing with a black bodysuit underneath.

"Oh god!" I jump up, backing away from the window. Kakyoin grabs me and pulls me towards him.

"Hey, hey! Y/N... what's the matter? Are you okay?" Kakyoin asks softly.

I feel my body shaking. When I look back to see that Dio isn't there and I just imagined him. I sigh, trying to lower my heart rate.

"It's nothing. I guess I'm still shaken up." I frown, leaning my head on Kakyoin's chest listening to his heartbeat.

The train ride is silent from then on. We spend about 25 minutes on the train until it pulls into the station. We grab our things and step off, walking towards the exit.

"I called the Speedwagon Foundation and they sent us a car." Grandpa Joseph smiles, leading us to a shiny black car.

We drive for another 10 minutes until we pull up outside our house. I step out of the car, admiring the exterior of our house. It's been so long since I've seen this place.

Instantly, I rush through the gates of our house, running past Speedwagon Foundation workers who give me a few smiles.

"Mom! Mother?!" I run around trying to find her.


I rush into the living room, seeing her dressed in her striped tshirt. I rush over to her, wrapping my arms around her. I let out a sob, crying into her shoulder.

"Oh sweetie... I'm so glad you're home! Oh my goodness! What happened to your hand?" She gasps.

"It's a long story." I nervously laugh.


Jotaro walks into the room with his usual expression on his face.


Our mother rushes over to my brother, wrapping her arms around him. I smile at the interaction, Kakyoin and Grandpa Joseph walking into the room behind me.

"I'm so glad we're home." I smile, leaning into Kakyoin as he wraps his arms around me from behind.

I see Jotaro smiling slightly, looking at me. I give him a small smile back, understanding his feelings. He's also glad to be home.



Grandpa Joseph and our mother share a hug too before they turn to me.

"Holly, do you remember Kakyoin?" Grandpa Joseph turns to us with a smile.

Mother looks at Kakyoin and I with a small gasp, a wide smile appearing on her face. Kakyoin pulls away from me, seeing her walking towards us.

"Of course I do!"

"Mom, Nori helped with our journey. We're gonna fill you in about that part later but... he saved my life. Multiple times." I smile.

Suddenly, she pulls Kakyoin into a hug and I can tell he's shocked. But he accepts the hug with a smile of his own.

"Thank you for looking after my daughter." She says.

"It's no problem. But Y/N did also save me multiple times. I owe her my life." He smiles at me from the side as him and mom pull away from the hug.

There is a comfortable silence as mother begins pouring us all tea. She sets it down in front of us with a smile.

"I take it you two are together?" She asks.

"Only if that is okay with you Mrs Kujo?" Kakyoin stammers, worried that she'll reject him.

"Of course! Welcome to the family Noriaki."

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